Call of Duty: Ghosts
  • Doesn't have that constant positive feedback that a lot of people need though.
  • Dejure wrote:
    As a heads up on my background, I'd say I've played every Infinity Ward CoD for at least 50ish hours.  I'm better than the average CoD player, so as a warning I'm coming from the perspective of a 'hardcore' online player. I feel that whilst MW had the ridiculously random noob-tube issue, MW2 had the randomness of the knife class, and MW3 had the basically skill-free no-scoping issue, I can see no particular issue in Ghosts that has unilaterally made the game less fun or skillful to play. I have a solid 65 hours behind me and can only remember a handful of times where I've spawned and died before I could do anything. Perhaps the issue is isolated to the new maps? I haven't paid for any DLC. What I do see a lot is people spawning and immediately running towards the nearest orange dot, which is a sure-fire way to get yourself killed over and over. It's genuinely difficult for me to read that kind of complaint and not just assume the person in question is terrible at the game. Sadly, anyone can edit together a YouTube video that makes a game look broken, whereas I have actual experience and just don't see it.  Not looking to cause a war here, just don't get the hate for the Ghosts multiplayer (granted, the campaign was Infinity Ward's worst yet). Questions: Why is Danger Close OP? (I don't use it, maybe I should) Which killstreaks are horrendous? Which annoying design choices from MW2?

    Firstly, take a look at this:

    The spawns are seriously fucked in this game, especially on small maps.

    This is the worst CoD in years. Many reasons include: 

    Most maps are designed with 16 players in mind, Infinity Ward then stitched three quarters of the player base up by cutting that number to twelve, so PS3 and 360 players are wandering around vacuous arenas looking for kills for up to a minute. In a game like this, that's unforgivable.

    The introduction of the 'Pick 10' system from Black Ops 2. The previous system was perfect, Infinity changed it because? Why the fuck not? Now it's an over complicated mess.

    The return of perks such as Danger Close and equipment such as Riot Shields. These were utter shit when they first reared their head, let's bring them back say Infinity Ward! Danger Close is OP because if you couple it with a decent explosive killstreak, it's unavoidable, even indoors. Ridiculous.

    All this and the complete refusal from Infinity Ward to acknowledge any of these glaring issues and instead, concentrate on getting silly, snazzy reticules and Snoop Dog camos for guns out for the masses (still none for secondaries? Why the fuck not???). All this has made me quit Call of Duty. 

    Bear in mind, I am a long term player of the game from the early days, and I'll take your 'hard core 50 hours' in each CoD and put two more zeroes on that with the early games.

    It's a franchise that has been ripped apart and had it's soul showered all over these pre teen cunts and their mums with cash to buy it for them. It makes me sick.

    CoD Ghosts is poisonous shite.

    I'm sorry, rant over.
  • Good rant. But what you bemoan is the logical conclusion of COD's design philosophy from MW onwards. That whole game was about hooking the masses.
    GT: Knight640
  • Aye I suppose you're right. Original was gold. Before the inevitable. Even the community was nice.
  • Dark Soldier
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    MW community? Aye, it weren't half bad. pretty much my one and only MP addiction.
  • 50 hours isn't what makes me 'hardcore', being good at the game and playing it to win is what makes me a 'hardcore' player. I guess the reason I like it is because it panders to my style of play and I do really well as a result. 

    I may have to check out this danger close/explosive combo if it's as potent as you say. Can't say I've been a victim of it much, though. If I get blown up, it's usually my fault. Since I play a stealthy class 90% of the time, it doesn't happen often. Maybe it's stealthy play that's unbalanced? 

    Anyway, it's interesting to hear such vitriol for a game. I imagine I'd feel the same if I felt a series that I loved had been fucked up. I think the reason Ghosts didn't sell as well as expected and received lower review scores than IW normally get is just that they got too comfortable gradually evolving the game, rather than taking risks on new gameplay dynamics (combined with a generally uninspiring single player story). I still think the multiplayer in Ghosts is an evolution of MW3 (and 2, and 1) because of the well-known balance issues I called out before.
  • MW games were fucked up straight after the first MW, something golden was taken and then someone shat in its mouth and it's still trying to swallow the shit

    They could have kept the first MW's mechanics and just gave us more maps and mere refinements and ways to remove the obnxious rather than falling skyscrapers and i'd probaby still be playing it
  • As soon as the pre teen demographic cottoned on to it the game was doomed. IW got carried away with killstreaks and perks and that was that. Even MW had a couple of questionable perks such as Martydom and Frag X 3, but MW2 took things to a whole new level. Remember One Man Army? Jesus. Stealth Bombers and such turned a nice, balanced team deathmatch game into a total clusterfuck and it's been that way ever since. 

    Ghosts just seems to have gone all Treyarch with their approach and lost that 'semi authentic' charm MW had. And the guns in Ghosts? Just what in the fuck were they thinking??? Awful, grey splodges on the screen that sound shit and give no real feeling you're actually shooting bullets from a deadly weapon. Horrid. MW3 was a passable attempt at a CoD game that I kind of enjoyed, but what went wrong or who was lost between the two games God only knows...
  • You know one way I can put it is, for all the pizazz, extra explosions and stuff they've added since COD4, I can go by my Oculus Rift metric and say the the first MW would be objectively better looking and more pleasurable to play with the OR than all of its follow-ups, MW series being a perfect example of 'please god, less is more!' and underlining how stale the genre has become

    We've all been saying this since MW2 but given the first FPS (FPS in particular, not first person game) that has visually and experience-wise blown me away since the first MW (And I think most of us can agree that the campaign of the first MW was a shocking, mature and generally mindblowing experience that affected pretty much every fps that followed it (Thinking in particular, Shock and Awe and that there ghillie level)) was half-life 2 on the OR - which is why I started going by 'what would this be like on OR' metric.

    I don't think this will ever change, and hope stuff like the OR or similar changes in paradigm regarding how we experience and play games force these blustering wrecks out of the window. There's only so many times you can use explosions to hide what is a wretched, well-past-its-prime  form of gameplay
  • This pretty much sums up what has happened to a once grand franchise:


    Just look at that for fuck sake. Says it all.
  • MY EYES, MY POOR EYES!!!!! And wtf is micro dlc?
    GT: Tr3D   PSN ID: TR3Dx
  • I'm assuming some horrendous snoop dog inspired gun camos. Truly awful what's happened to the game.
  • Moto70
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    I miss our days on CoD4, was truly wonderful stuff...
  • I know. Magical times. Even if they remade it for the Bone, we'd be plagued by the poisonous community. If only there was some kind of filter...
  • I miss COD4.
    The next generation doesn't start until MAG comes out. 

    PSN: Naemuckle
    STEAM: Naemuckle
  • GooberTheHat
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    Titanfall seems to be filling that hole for me.
  • Not for me. Nothing like it. It's the future jumpy robot setting that puts me off. I loved CoD4's gritty, semi authentic warzones.
  • COD4 was some of the best MP times of my life, that and BFBC2/1943, good times, i think it was the strength of COD4, Halo 3 and GoW in particular that brought the edge guys into such a tight group together, overflowing lobbys every night, almost every minute some kinda new hilarity. Then this bullshit. I don't think it's people being unwilling to play too, its publishers shitting on that kind of community spirit to wring money from the masses. Edge/B&B a bit of a wasteland now for MP enthusiasm
  • Dark Soldier
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    Yup, them were some glory days, partied up on a Fri/Sat night on CoD4 TDM/HTDM/S&D and wrecking mans.
  • Titty's been good for boozy Fri/Sat of late. It has been a while since we've had a full lobby on till the wee hours but Tits has provided that.

    I do bemoan the decline of forum MP, but whilst the quality of experiences is questionable, I point at other responsibilities keeping some away that maybe weren't priorities a few years ago; relationships, offspring, careers, etc.
    GT: WEBBIN5 - A life in formats: Sinclair ZX81>Amstrad CPC 6128>Amiga 500>Sega Megadrive>PC>PlayStation 2>Xbox>DS Lite>Xbox 360>Xbox One>Xbox One X>Xbox Series X>Oculus Quest 2
  • Very true. Life defo gets in the way. Back then I was single, living in my mates pub, had a very robust weed habit, worked 4 nights a week with Friday and the weekend off, and practically no commitment. I also think it's down to the kind of experience you get when you log on these days. The screaming infants and raging little boys were few and far between back then. It felt new, and aside from some lag here and there, CoD4 and Halo 3 were really solid online experiences.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Older I get, the less appealing competitive MP is. I was 24/25 then, not much has changed in circumstance but I'd rather give 2/3hours to a solid SP/co-op game than bother with PvP/TDM etc.
  • Jeez, my first experiences online with Live was full of teenagers and dicks screaming and shit, that was 8 years ago!
    Cod was full of arguing dick wavers all the time even R6 Vegas descended into a screaming match and rage quits on occasion. 

    Who was with me one night when we convinced some teen that we were going to get his dads xbox banned because he called one of us he 'N' word while playing CoD MW? I think he might've started crying or was begging us not to in the end?
    There was a group of us on at the time, late at night kid was a yank.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • Pretty sure I remember that.

    Come with g if you want to live...
  • I just played an hour of COD4. It's such a simple well thought out game. The new ones aren't even the same game anymore. Theyre all just RAAARRR SHOOT BANG RAAAR!!!!
    The next generation doesn't start until MAG comes out. 

    PSN: Naemuckle
    STEAM: Naemuckle
  • Oh dear. I should leave. I actually like Ghost more than any CoD since the first Modern Warfare. Yes, it suffers from DLCitis, but the first map pack was excellent (second a bit so-so) and having R. Lee Ermey accuse me of having a major malfunction was just too good to resist! I'm not the greatest CoD player, nor the worst, and I've owned all of them, but Ghosts is a good entry for me. Most of the complaints people have have always been there. Bad spawning has existed since day one.
  • b0r1s
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    MW2 was my first memory of playing anything seriously online and I got pretty good at it, but the knife pistol combo was so exploitable once you'd ranked up a bit, you were so fast and the range of the knife attack was huge. They toned it down massively in MW3, which is probably where I sunk most of my time. I have no idea why I kept playing as every time I prestiged (about 13 times I think) I just chose pretty much the same combo (Silenced MP7, 2 x RPG's, Semtex, Assassin Pro, Extreme Conditioning Pro and Stalker Pro). After a while you could just run rings around people.

    This new COD is ok, just don't like the points approach to perks. I would guess it's more exploitable?
  • The thing about COD4 is that you could play is at a slow stealthy pace or you could charge around twitch shooting. COD after that turned into twitch only doubled up with ridiculous perks. If the new one goes back to a more realistic slant I'd be for it but I doubt it.
    The next generation doesn't start until MAG comes out. 

    PSN: Naemuckle
    STEAM: Naemuckle

  • Ha ha. Everything needs jumping apparently.
  • FranticPea
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    Call of Duty: Fucking LOL

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