Call of Duty: Ghosts
  • Sold it to CEX. Basically I rented it out for 99p.

    Good RPS review.
    equinox_code "I need girls cornered and on their own"
  • Blue Swirl
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    Fuck Mugtome
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    Geezer from Nintendo Life plays Ghosts with the Wiimote 'n' nunchuck, swears blind it's aces.

    May have to try this out, the first person controls in Metroid Prime were top, and I fancy a new FPS.

    Though I could just save myself the ~$100 NZ and play BlOps II again with the remote.
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • Save your money. I've just watched a play through of the first couple of hours of this.

    it's pitiful stuff
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  • Blue Swirl
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    Ah poo. Oh well, that's some extra money for other gubbins. Perhaps Mario 3D World.

    Shame, really. I only dabbled in MP for BlOps II but had fun. I enjoyed the single player, too. I know it's not cool to like CoD around here, but I did rather enjoy the series, in a "sometimes you don't want filet mignon, sometimes you want a Mc Burger" kind a way. (Though I skipped World at War completely. The demo was just awful; gung-ho America Vs Germany twonk. You can get away with that in fictional story lines, but when using events that actually happened it always makes me feel uncomfortable.)
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • Blue Swirl wrote:
    Though I skipped World at War completely. The demo was just awful; gung-ho America Vs Germany twonk. You can get away with that in fictional story lines, but when using events that actually happened it always makes me feel uncomfortable.)

    WaW was definitely a nadir. of the series. To follow up 4 with that twaddle and then never recover form seems to be the way of things.
  • Bollockoff wrote:
    I was entertained. I've decided I'm going to replay CoD 1 to see if it's still awesome. My teenage self loved it.

    Don't go back, it's rubbish. I got it free with some other PS3 game and I couldn't be bothered to finish it. The animations are hilarious, though.
  • Cod 1 has aged badly. It was great at the time, but not really worth it now. You're better off with your memories.
  • Blue Swirl
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    Ali wrote:
    To follow up 4 with that twaddle and then never recover form seems to be the way of things.

    It did seem like a bizarre choice. Switching from Second World War to modern conflicts elevated the series from competent also-ran to world conquering behemoth. Why go back again? In Treyarch's defence, I'd wager they'd started development before CoD4 was released.
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • Yeah, no one knew what cod 4 would be. I think it was a half page edge review, because well, it was just another cod.
  • MW2 was my fav, loved the spec ops in that. The original two CoD's were pretty good but still not as good as MoH: Allied Assault, that was the peak of WWII FPS for me.

    Those two along with Doom, Goldeneye and Halo:CE are probably my top 5 FPS.
    オレノナハ エラー ダ
  • MW2 was where I checked out. Dross. COD 4 seemed to be lightning in a bottle. Everything since has been at sad attempt to recapture former glory. It's like Europe's attempts to make a better song than The Final Countdown, only this sells and Europe doesn't.

    I don't think I've been more disappointed by a game than that one.
  • WKh0Ky4.jpg

    This fucking disgusts me, and I never see any cunt saying a thing about it or anyone stepping in and actually preventing this kind of shit. It makes me sad. It's a fucking joke. A poisonous joke...
  • How does that work? Hacking the servers to change info?
  • I assume so. What really peeves me is this has been happening since Modern Warfare seven years ago, and the developers stand by and do nothing. It honestly makes me sick. In a game where competition is fierce, in one of the biggest videogame franchises in history, your name on a leaderboard means nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's disgusting. It's even more comical as they're really gunning for the whole 'esports' thing at the moment. What kind of chance do they have to make it a legitimate competition when you've got this kind of nonsense?
  • MW2 was where I checked out. Dross. COD 4 seemed to be lightning in a bottle. Everything since has been at sad attempt to recapture former glory. It's like Europe's attempts to make a better song than The Final Countdown, only this sells and Europe doesn't. I don't think I've been more disappointed by a game than that one.

    This. The No Russian insensitivity was especially poorly thought out and inappropriate. Though Black Ops 2, online at least, is really very enjoyable. 

    As for Europe, they stopped trying to rewrite The Final Countdown in 1992 and took a break, then went back to being a hard rock band, as they were pre Final Countdown, with considerable success in 2004. Infinity Ward could learn from them….
  • No Russian was well good mate.
  • Blue Swirl
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    Fuck Mugtome
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    I had no issue with No Russian. I just shot randomly into the air. "Take that! Yeah, you want some too! Grr, I'm speaking English. Totally not a Russian terrorist. No sir. Have at you, members of the public."
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • Films and books have done that kind of thing many times before, so why is it "insensitive" in a videogame? It was intelligently done and served real purpose within the story.
  • The fact you could skip it was monumentally stupid.
  • Agreed. The game was always going to get an 18 rating, so if you're not comfortable with it then you shouldn't buy it in the first place. It's like offering an option to skip the ear cutting scene in Reservoir Dogs, or that scene in Audition - ridiculous concept.
  • Instead of shooting civilians in the airport, they should have included the option to throw custard pies at them.
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  • FranticPea
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    Or replace the civilians with zombies. Worked for carmegeddon.
  • I managed to do that bit without shooting anyone, including the cops. Pretty much any immersion was shattered by my ability to slowly crawl through that section to the end.
  • I tried for a good hour to break that level. Shooting the bad guys, dropping a grenade at their feet, trying it from cover, everything resulted in your death and a restart. I wasn't expecting anything else to be honest, but it was amusing constantly getting mown down by these scripted invulnerable automatons.
    GT: WEBBIN5 - A life in formats: Sinclair ZX81>Amstrad CPC 6128>Amiga 500>Sega Megadrive>PC>PlayStation 2>Xbox>DS Lite>Xbox 360>Xbox One>Xbox One X>Xbox Series X>Oculus Quest 2
  • I have this now, if I had a cap it would be sweating. Can't be arsed to play though. Can anyone motivate me
  • GooberTheHat
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    Although the amount of times I presume it takes away control to make you look at another explosion/crash/enemy truck/jet/enemy-hidden-around-the-corner-waiting-to-butt-stroke-you might make it a bit nauseating.
  • I tried playing mw3 on the rift, it was awful, the whole packaging of the experience is so anti-rift it's unreal (theres a pun there)

    Probs why hl2 is still so surprising on the rift, its like it was designed specifically for the rift, years ahead of time. More games like that plx
  • Is it just me or does this make it look like XBox customers are getting shafted if they haven't bought a digital copy of the game on 360?

    sounds shady
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Is it not possible to use the 360 disc to authenticate a download on the One?

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