inFamous: Second Son
  • I am not suggesting infamous isn't a fantastic visual achievement I just find it funny that for all their talk of 1080p/60fps they have failed to deliver it on the two biggest first party games on their system. So did anyone enjoy the awful cover version that plays at the end credits?
    GT: Tr3D   PSN ID: TR3Dx
  • Haven't got there yet. :(

    I think you'll eventually find that 1080/60 will soon be moot anyway. As games become more detailed devs will have to scale back somewhere and resolution/frames will always be the first thing to go.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
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    Think I'm on last boss on my good karma playthru, so please keep to the spoilers for now.

    raziel once wrote..."davie's to nice for this forum"!
  • It'll probably be an insipid, neutered version of Teen Spirit. Will use MUTE button, if so. But I'm still a long way off - I think.
  • TreD wrote:
    I am not suggesting infamous isn't a fantastic visual achievement I just find it funny that for all their talk of 1080p/60fps they have failed to deliver it on the two biggest first party games on their system. So did anyone enjoy the awful cover version that plays at the end credits?

    I don't recall Sony mentioning it. Lots of game sites have been mentioning the third party stuff where PS 4 achieves it and xbone doesn't but that's hardly the same.
    The Forum Herald™
  • You know whats funny, making graphics like this isnt even remotely as hard as it used to be. New release of dDo sometime early next month maybe and crazy good graphics are going to be pouring out of everything
  • People could make games in 4k if they wanted.

    Resolution and frame rate will be a choice based on gameplay, style, and graphical intensity,

    As someone who likes arcade games, Sega and that whole side of gaming, I prefer 60 frames.
    The industry seems to have wholly moved to the 30 frame, cinematic narrative side of things, its not something I agree with. Western devs, suck at mechanics and japanese suck at making games now just entirely.

    If the consoles were significantly more powerful than they are 2.5tf-3 tf, more rops, better cpus etc, I reckon 60 fps would be more common, simply due to the effort required to max them out, though they would still probably choose a fancy smoke effect or whatever over the frame rate.

    TL,DR: Graphics sell games, not that lovely 60hz
    Wind Waker is a bad game
  • kneecap wrote:
    People could make games in 4k if they wanted. Resolution and frame rate will be a choice based on gameplay, style, and graphical intensity, As someone who likes arcade games, Sega and that whole side of gaming, I prefer 60 frames. The industry seems to have wholly moved to the 30 frame, cinematic narrative side of things, its not something I agree with. Western devs, suck at mechanics and japanese suck at making games now just entirely. If the consoles were significantly more powerful than they are 2.5tf-3 tf, more rops, better cpus etc, I reckon 60 fps would be more common, simply due to the effort required to max them out, though they would still probably choose a fancy smoke effect or whatever over the frame rate. TL,DR: Graphics sell games, not that lovely 60hz

    Whole heartedly agree with the above. I would happily take smooth over detailed but detailed works great for screen caps so fuck my preference.

    Always get the feeling that no matter how powerful things get, it will be detail and lighting that increases over smooth every time.
    SFV - reddave360
  • Increases in lighting quality are always nice - but TBH a lot of punters don't notice all that much beyond FX work throwing dynamic point lights about. Some of the more subtle stuff like GI kind of flies under the radar - it makes scenes look amazingly more life-like and alive, but unless there's dynamic time of day going on it's not all that much different to pre-baked lightmaps to the punters' eyes.

    It's the detail thing that has been at the push for "next-gen" graphics from the PS1 days til now TBH, because it's far more obvious in screenshots and videos - so high detail becomes shorthand for best tech. I've also heard it said from an art standpoint that it is quite a large contributing factor to the desaturated/limited colour palettes in modern games (which isn't always just to ape cinematic colour-grading); we reached a tipping point at start of the x360/PS3 era where the geometric detail in the normals etc. got so high that some other form of contrast had to get reduced to balance the image.
    e.g. many forms of contrast fight for the eye's attention:
    - value contrast (black and white)
    - colour contrast (wide colour palette, bright/strong colours next to each other)
    - edge contrast (detail)
    - temporal contrast (changes to any of the above over time)

    So, for warman games aping Saving Private Ryan, there's high value contrast and fast temporal changes - with the push for more edge contrast/detail to show the superiority of tech/engine - so if you add colour contrast in as well it all turns to unbalanced noise.
    If the game has less detail or less contrast in the other areas, you can afford to have high colour contrast in there: hence a lot of simpler iOS games have bright saturated colours, or more interesting palettes, The Witness is also going for colour but sacrificing/reducing edge and temporal contrast to compensate.
  • Chump, i'm going full on with the pbr/ibl approch for at least the forseeable futurem in fact my first lengthy adventure at implementing it happened today and it is an incredibly attracive approah to creating art that is cohesive and looks the fecking bomb. The workflows tricky, it still involved the old zbrush etc process but headus have made unwrapping a breeze and its only very recently zbrush made the tool that basicaly does the retopo for you - things are getting very fast. And while i'm impressed with dDo already, the quixel suite, the new dDo, nDo, 3Do and their 3d material scans, all for 99 dollars and within the month or so - that particular approach to shading can get some spectacular results and ridiculously quickly. I no longer have thougts that delay a new projectfor months on end cause im hate all the little touches and taken-for-granted intricate environment work, gameplay based or not. I'm pretty stoked to not feel like being a one man show is a hopeless cause, it really isnt, makin this stuff is taking off

    GI was a good point, ive yet to really use a system yet - theres a unity attempt at the voxel cones attempted by carmack etc at epic but this has stalled -more interesting is something i shold get a chance t play with at some point which is lpvs, which iirc was what they used in farcry 3 and being used in the devision. As a one manner i hardly get the luxury of talking much of a day about these things and have to just read a mountain load of research papers instead, most of which i donteven understand. But im trying at least

    Closest im getting to directly interesting with visuals is screen space reflections, curiosity cost me money and its a method with a lot of caveats but its always good to see where things are going
  • Aye - taking the PBR route of "everything has reflections" and tying the reflections pathway in with the specular (as specular is simply reflected light) makes a world of difference when making a cohesive scene - just getting the sky colour reflect naturally across a range of glossy/rough surfaces makes everything sit so nicely. GGX as well is straight up so much nicer than blinn-phong!
    Screenspace reflections are awesome as well - make sure you can get the backbuffer mips generated by the GPU for you, because then you can do the same mip-map offset to blur it on rougher surfaces that you do for the skybox/env cubemap blurriness :-)
  • *scannersheadexplode.gif*
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • djchump wrote:
    Aye - taking the PBR route of "everything has reflections" and tying the reflections pathway in with the specular (as specular is simply reflected light) makes a world of difference when making a cohesive scene - just getting the sky colour reflect naturally across a range of glossy/rough surfaces makes everything sit so nicely. GGX as well is straight up so much nicer than blinn-phong! Screenspace reflections are awesome as well - make sure you can get the backbuffer mips generated by the GPU for you, because then you can do the same mip-map offset to blur it on rougher surfaces that you do for the skybox/env cubemap blurriness :-)

    I'll pas the ss reflection tip to the guys who made it, cheers! I'm still very new to the whole pbr thing but im taking to it fast, its a very attractive way to work, the terrain system uses a preserving blinnphong but more options on how to tune your materials than you could possibly believe, i think the pbr shader system i'll be using (and its looking great and its open source even, atm its like i spent marmoset just to generate the cubemaps) gives you a chice of blinn phong for specular or cook torrance, which is obv a heavier calculation so i'm using that one! and GGX for the fresnal term or.. god knows i get all the terms mixed up, the main thing i notice is simply it looks awesome. In preparation for marmoset releasing upgrades for almost instant convolution of env maps and zones to grab a new map from i'll be making a bit of a more clumsy solution for my own thing just so i can get a day/night with the rather lovely volumetric atmosphere system im using, then swapping that out for marmosets when it arrives, and really, that, dDo, the rather lengthy tutorial the terrain dev just gave me on how to get the best out of it and all this graphics goodness arriving at the moment seems like some golden age for videogame graphics making that push not so much for absolute realism but very mature compromise resulting in pretty fantastic looking work thats quick to author, naturally complements the entire aesthetic simply by starting principles and was hopefully a bunch of fun to make
  • It would be actually twattish to ask but fuck it i will anyways, are you planning to pick up on unity any time soon chump? reason being i pure need yur know how on something i lack that could make a massive difference in performance and flexibility for the atmosphere system since in a recent release it gave all the shaders uncompiled giving users the opportunity to get round problems the system had when it was authoured that can since then be overcme with advances in Unity. How do i make you do this. Ill kill your family if you dont. (Seriously, no 3d textures back then means the volume texture tiles so theres a big white seam at one angle around the systems root and theres for some reason, i dont know what, a readpixel which stalls the gpu making what would be otherwise nice and fast thing into a not as nice and fast as it should be thing, apparently this can be overcome now too)

    God im begging people on the forums to help me with my game things, its a hard existence being a lone dev
  • Played a bit more.
    I've heard it's more fun to be villainous? If it's this much fun being good, I can't wait to be bad.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • It harnesses the new power of consoles the best so far but does so with no new ideas, is that right?
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    It harnesses the new power of consoles the best so far but does so with no new ideas, is that right?
    More or less, plays better than the old infamous games too.

    Sasukekun wrote:
    Played a bit more.
    I've heard it's more fun to be villainous? If it's this much fun being good, I can't wait to be bad.

    Finished it on good karma the other night enjoyed it and unsure whether to go do everything on city now or restart as evil.

    raziel once wrote..."davie's to nice for this forum"!
  • Third power get. Expanded + messed about with... it's a bit different I guess but dat Neon remains my go to power.
  • Finished a good playthrough on this last night. Thought the credits sequence was the best bit.
    started an evil playthrough now. Already feels better as I don't have to remember to stop mashing square to hit triangle.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • Might scrap my good run tonight, and start up a new evil play-through instead. Won't take long to get back to where I was - only as a murderous, blood-soaked sociopath this time.
  • image-13.jpg

    This totally isn't in any way meant to piss anyone off it just made me laugh. Shame considering the quality of the overall visuals they missed out on at least some details, is it just in this sequence its somehow not loaded or is it throughout?

    EDIT: how do you post gifs as that's totally failed?
  • Gifs are posted the same way you post other pics.

    There are some things that are missing from I:SS' world, but none that detract from the otherwise formulaic gameplay.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • Sasukekun wrote:
    Gifs are posted the same way you post other pics.

    There are some things that are missing from I:SS' world, but none that detract from the otherwise formulaic gameplay.

    Ive posted it using photobucket as per usual but its just a static image?
  • Click the forum's insert image button, then copy and paste the gif's url in there. That's how I do it anyways.
  • Photobucket gives you the img tags for you.
    Not sure I've ever posted a GIF from photobucket. Normally just go with the original source.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    It's a jpeg, not a gif...
  • Can't work it out, maybe impossible from my iPhone, given up. It was a gif showing the absence of dynamic shadows from the main character in an underground tunnel environment. It looked rather funny and I was surprised as to their absence.
  • Sucker Punch posted a tutorial for the new Photo mode! Coming in tomorrow's patch:

  • Yikes. I think I maybe need to get this sooner than I thought.

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