The Game/Book Club- Bioshock - Use a golf club through choice by 18/2
  • Would've preferred switching ammo in real time. When you want to use different ammo for different situations in a short space of time, having the action paused affects the flow of the game. Something I'm not liking about Dishonoured, too.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Nina
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    Think I managed to get to the checkpoint this afternoon, was the town after you walk along some farm where to only thing you have to do is pretend to be a security guard and get some Moolah from a farmer. Felt like some kinda "sidequesty" situation, something extra to do. After that I got into a town and took a "Yo Mama" bounty.

    So, since this morning I've defeated the waterworks guy (whom I captured dead, as I don't really get what to conditions for someone to die are. I mainly zapped him, thought that sending enough electricity his way would only shock him, not kill him.), which I thought was a slightly annoying fight, as I felt my gun was much slower than his, and I barely had time to lay out traps for him. After dying a few times, I just went on the roof and send some assbiters his way, then zapped him. Controls felt a bit clumsy, but I seem to be clicking the L3 stick quite a lot accidentally, buying binoculars wasn't the best idea after all. But I like the idea of being able to spy on things.

    Then, the other fight, in town after you've spoken with the Doc. Was close to hell, had problems with controls again, mainly accidentally clicking L3 or R3 (why is punch in 1st person L2 and in 3rd L1, should have had the same button for that) and had to redo it at least 10 times. Managed it in the end, all were dead though, but I must say, that was the most satisfying victory so far.

    Starting to get tunnel vision though, not used anymore to long, visually useless walkways. Guess they have to be there, for mainly technical reasons, but I'm glad current games got rid of them, or in case they're still there, more creative with them. Got stuck a few times as well, in the more bland parts of the environments. Some random (and usually unintended) 1st-3rd person switching made me often forget which way I was actually heading, and there's hardly anything in the environments that will give you a clue. Usually doesn't take long to find out, but has happened a few times.

    But, in the end, it all looks very lovely, art style is obviously great, and am pretty sure I can get used to the controls. If not, it's a cheap way to get rid of any unwanted anger I might have, and I'll just swear at the tv for a while.
  • There are two bars for the boss, the top is health; the bottom is stamina. The zappflies take off more stamina than health, I think, so you need to use that more than any other ammo. Maybe. That's what I did anyway. Knock back, zapp, knock back, zapp. Easy.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • regmcfly
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    Sorry for forgetting this - next deadline added.
  • regmcfly
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    Next deadline is about 2 hours away.
  • WTF?! I don't have much time! I'll get to it. Will play some tomorrow hopefully.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Are we taking votes for further into 2013 yet?  If so, Grim Fandango pretty pls.
  • Yes, I'd do that one. 

    I would also play Stranger's if I could stop playing Dishonoured.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Anyone got to yesterday's checkpoint? I'm playing right now, rescuing Eugene Ius.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • regmcfly
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    Yeah, I did. Will post impressions tomorrow. Also Grim Fandango is go go
  • Bayonetta after this, omg I think I am going to come.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • I kinda got a little bit ahead of m'self and finished it again. Restarted the region to stay in touch with the book club and I'm currently doin' the Opple Farm. Eat my thud slug Meagly!
  • Just beat Meagly. On my way to Palooka. Have I got long to checkpoint?

    Mixed feelings about the game. Feels a bit dull in places, then it picks up at the main bounty. It's alright I suppose.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Palooka's the last bounty before the checkpoint. I wrapped up the Buzzarton bounties and hit the checkpoint earlier. I like the whole lead-in to Palooka, a cracking little string of skirmishes. I still find him one of the more awkward bosses to take alive though.

    I always get this funny tingling sensation whenever I hit the road to Mongo Valley, for me this area is where the game goes from great to outright amazing.

    Stick with it Hylian, it'll be worth it. Promise.
  • I don't get the fight with Palooka. How'm I supposed to be able to take him alive? I've not killed a single bounty yet.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • He's a fucker alright, I've had some serious tantrums trying to take him alive. The only way that works for me is to damage him to the point that he drops to ground level, then it's just a matter of constant zappfly attacks whilst dodging his rockets (using thudslugs at this point will probably kill him). It took me two attempts tonight and I've done it dozens of times before.
  • Birdorf
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    Martin Bird
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    Sounds like the boss I got stuck on, didn't have the internet at the time, that might have helped. I do tend to only have about 3 attempts then give up, I'm not a boss fan. Will try harder when the Vita version comes out in a few weeks (presuming it passes certification first time).
  • Fuck it, I've given up. That boss was a broken piece of cunt. 

    Can't wait for Bayonetta. On Hard mode, bitches. Yeah!!!
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Given up? But there's so much more to come, it'd be a shame to stop before the big game changing event. It doesn't matter if you take the bosses alive or not, the only benefit is moolah for upgrades and you should have plenty by now anyway. Just boombat and stingbee the fucker.

    Just got X'plosives Mcgee, the first of the brilliant Mongo River bounties. Got my first ammo upgrade, got the sniper stingbees from the black marketeer (talk to a clucker standing in the street mouthin' off for the location), and I'm off to the Mongo Wild's to hunt the gigantic purple ass sleg.
  • I'm just arriving at Mongo valley, I agree that the above boss was an absolute bastard, I was very lucky that he actually fell off the ledge as I stunned him once.
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • Ok ok I didn't give up. I was determined to take the fucker alive, I know he is easy to kill. I thought there was a trophy for taking them all alive, but I just checked and its actually for just normal outlaws, 250 of them. 

    One more go turned into 3 more goes but I did it. I used quick save to retry if I fucked up. Basically knocked him off using boombat, then repeatedly zapp and boom him to eat away both bars. When he gets up on stage, I tried to quickly slug and zap him so that when he comes I ground, his stamina is already a bit low. Didn't work too well, he lets loose those flamethrower fuckers that I had to deal with and by that time, his stamina was mostly back up. Still, it helped anyway. Previously, just zapping him killed him. Now, I bagged him when just one more zap could've killed him!

    It helped that I luckily had him with his back to a wall and repeatedly zapped while jumping over the missiles. Got lucky. 

    On my way to Mongo Valley, is this the checkpoint? The loading screen says something different to thread title.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Aye, that's the one, 'Thickets, masks and treachery: The shadow of the Steef'. Oh, and nice one, glad you're still in.

    The Mongo Valley bounties are the best in the game without doubt (particularly X'plosives), and the whole Mongo River / Mongo Wilds area is a delight. What comes next is even better.
  • Stopped as soon as I got to next section. Forest looks lovely, even for a HD'd Oldbox game. 

    I remember reading the Edge review all those years ago and they mentioned a big near the end that was apparently breathtaking. Look forward to seeing it. Whatever it is.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • regmcfly
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    New deadline up. For those of you who haven't played the game before or know nothing about it, this will take you to a... very interesting part of the game.
  • I'm there. Should probably stop.
  • Nina
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    Hopefully I can pick it up again this week, haven't had a chance to play it since the first checkpoint. Think I got a few days off with nothing big planned on any of them, so that's catch up time.
  • Just gathered the Exploding McGee bounty, hunted some big animal and then got the bounty in the graveyard. Bloody annoying as it was an easy bounty but it was the first one I've only captured dead. Got a bit carried away with my bombbats!
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • regmcfly
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    A reminder that the next deadline is tomorrow. I'll be playing through in he afternoon on PS3. SHIT GOES DOWN.

    Honestly - if you're wavering about staying on with this, PLEASE hold on until this checkpoint - it'll fuck you up.
  • Most of the action seems to go down on weekends, any chance of extending the deadline to Sunday night if no one can manage it?
  • regmcfly
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    I'm happy to do that if people want me to

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