Best Games Evarrr! [OP updated 13/01/15]
  • It would be a very B&B thing to do to elect a game as being the greatest game of all time that not one single member actually thought was the greatest game of all time.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • I blame not enough people playing Alpha Protocol. And Yoss.
  • Some people definitely voted Resi 4 top. Quite a few didn't order their lists at all.

    Also, I think Ocarina has caught it up now, with the most recent votes.

    Personally, I could never put Resi 1 before a lot of the others - 2 in particular, but also 3, did the same thing much better, and the remake on GC was a much improved version of the PS1 original.
  • Yeah, GC Remake and 2 are the definite pinnacles of that particular series. I still hope for a proper remake of 2, GC style.
  • The RE sequels may have been technically superior, but the original is still the best game in the series because it was all a genuinely new and fresh experience at the time. Every sequel (including 4 onwards) just rehashed the formula to the point of cliche.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • I liked Resi 4, but for all the talk of a complete overhaul it struck me as a spit-shined Code Veronica with an over-the-shoulder view.  I got up to the bit where you had to protect the woman.
  • @gman I get that. But I like 2 because, for me, it's the best type of sequel. It improved on the original in every conceivable way. Graphically superior, sure, but also with better characters, wider variety of gameplay, improved enemies (those lickers, yo), the best puzzles in the series, genuinely awesome pacing. 1 was tops, aye, and very special, but 2 knocked it out of the park with proper swagger.
  • @gman I get that. But I like 2 because, for me, it's the best type of sequel. It improved on the original in every conceivable way. Graphically superior, sure, but also with better characters, wider variety of gameplay, improved enemies (those lickers, yo), the best puzzles in the series, genuinely awesome pacing. 1 was tops, aye, and very special, but 2 knocked it out of the park with proper swagger.
    Yeah, completely. For me 2 was where they actually managed what they were trying to do in 1 - which was a bit disjointed and actually didn't play that well.
  • 6 is better than 5, but everyone is happy enough to just herd around common consensus that 6 was the worst, without actually thinking about it.
  • Both are fucking awful, who cares which is worse.
  • In defense of common consensus, I thought 6 was shocking. Like, fair play if people enjoyed it, that's cool, but I was actually, genuinely, taken aback by how poor something with so much money spent on it could be.
  • It's an utter mish-mash of nonsense (fucking roomba bombs) but the gunplay and controls are on-point, the B movie feel to the ludicrousness of most of it is done brilliantly, and it's oodles more fun in co-op than 5, the true shit of the Resi main series.
  • Yeah, 5 was atrocious. So bad I've sworn off the series foreeeeeeveeeeeer.
  • I'd give it a 4 for single player and a 6 for co-op, there's still fun to be had when you aren't trying to shoulder the burden of Sheva
    Oh, -1 for the entire section with those bug dudes in, +but 1 for punching a boulder at the end
  • 3 is the best in the series for me. Had quick turn, dodge, ammo creation, Nemesis, multiple choices that gave it replayability and it also had a Mercenaries mini game.
  • Anyway, re: 4 having accrued more votes than any other game. It's simple: after Modern Warfare, it'd be my first pick for "looming spectre over the entire last decade of gaming"

    It was weighed down with the soggy, bloody corpse of spectacle after spectacle, and it went for and executed its mish-mash of Mikami's favourite horror/action films with aplomb. It's certainly not my favourite, game ever, but every now and then I get the odd twitch that compels me to think about playing it, the superb power fantasy that it is.

    It's also jam packed full of details, kinks and weirdness that stop it from feeling like a game that's been designed by committee. It does definitely go on a little too long after the Castle, but it's also the game that other games strive to be; inventive scenarios, enemies and bosses that keep you on your toes whilst rarely resorting to cheap tricks, accomplished in its presentation on all fronts with those delightful death animations and detailing, cinematic but filtered through the unique filter that only games can be, plus who doesn't wanna be Leon S. fucking Kennedy? He's a champ.


    Plus he can fucking suplex a zombie and bust open his skull, COME ON NOW.
  • He's no master of unlocking.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Bet the game still looks good too.  I used to stretch the borders to fit my widescreen telly.  I've only completed 1, 2 and Veronica.  As much as I loved my Dreamcast I wasn't overly enamoured with CV.  Never played 3, 5, 6, 0 etc.
  • I can appreciate the Resident Evil vs 4 argument but I only ever played Re:make and it's such a different beast to 4. They're both sterling games but I think 4 did more, for bette or worse.
  • I enjoyed CV at the time, but it wasn't really great though. Arguably where the series really lost its way.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Resi4 at least has proper controls. 1 in particular was shambolic. Good set pieces yes but God it's like controlling one of those cheap remote control cars where one of the sticks breaks on Boxing Day.
    Awful. Sloooooow. Frustrating.
  • Tempy wrote:
    I can appreciate the Resident Evil vs 4 argument but I only ever played Re:make and it's such a different beast to 4. They're both sterling games but I think 4 did more, for bette or worse.
    I think you really had to be there when RE first came out, and that's not meant as a slight.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Yeah I feel that way about it too, like that big glut of 90s PC games that I'll just neve really appreciate as much as I should because I just didn't plant them, but they did so much that we're still feeing today even on consoles.
  • I never had an issue with tank controls.
  • Gonzo wrote:
    Out of it a spate of third person actioners are spawned, refining the mechanic. Gears of War, Uncharted, all these games owe the resi 4 design team a lot.

    I quoted this to agree with Gears and disagree with Uncharted, but now I've thought about it I'm wrong.
  • regmcfly
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    Tempy wrote:
    6 is better than 5, but everyone is happy enough to just herd around common consensus that 6 was the worst, without actually thinking about it.

    6 is probably the best

  • regmcfly
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    Send message wrote:
    Tempy wrote:
    I can appreciate the Resident Evil vs 4 argument but I only ever played Re:make and it's such a different beast to 4. They're both sterling games but I think 4 did more, for bette or worse.
    I think you really had to be there when RE first came out, and that's not meant as a slight.

    I was there, and given that I had played Alone in the Dark the year before I saw it as an extension of that.
  • Reg put borederlands or whatever it's called. Wtf?

    Loving the outrun love.

    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • regmcfly
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    mk64 wrote:
    Reg put borederlands or whatever it's called. Wtf?

    Loving the outrun love.

    Yep. And if you look at my explanation I've entirely defended it as a personal thing, playing with people on here. I've said nothing about it being the pinnacle of the genre or part of some imaginary zeitgeist.

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