The Last Of Us
  • Yeah, but that's the issue. I don't do that social network rubbish, cos I think it's rubbish so didn't like seeing it implemented into something so great.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Got the DLC and thought I'd pop the main game on to get rid of the rustiness. Started at Bills Town to avoid the slow start. I forgot how drop dead fucking gorgeous this game is. It's just drips oozy, beautiful quality everywhere you look. I couldn't stop playing it and I'm now very tired at work. I cannot wait for the DLC tonight.

    I can't think of another game as good looking as this, and that includes next gen. Before anyone says Far Cry 3 or Crysis 3 with max settings on PC, I don't wnat to hear it, it's not the same.

    Best looking and sounding game ever released.

    In my opinion.
  • Yeah - the one thing that let's it down for me is that if something is in your environment, it should be consistent. Don't stop me climbing on that 2 foot table if it's ok to leap for that 6 foot ledge. I don't know why everything isn't constructed from the same tiny blocks, maybe that's next-next gen.
  • Agreed with both @JMW and @stonechalice views. Visuals don't need to be the best possible to impress me; just coherent and with a strong art direction. TLOU completely nailed what it was aiming for.

    And as for consistency - that's something that always, always annoys me when a game lets me do one thing in cutscenes, but not in gameplay, or if something the character should be able to do by virtue of their physical attributes is not allowed because of some game design choice.

    One example that annoyed me was the Uncharted 3 boat sequence inside the cruise ship. There were a number of ways to get down to the ground level in the chandelier ballroom. Most of them were ~6 foot drops. If you took them though, you got a grey screen of death for Drake. But if instead you took the 12 foot drop from the place the level designers deemed appropriate, it was all good.

    Thankfully TLOU had none of that nonsense.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
  • Nothing that bad, it's there though - I had it yesterday in Left Behind. It's just the high standards it sets, I notice it more.
  • Started this again yesterday having given up a little while ago as I just wasn't enjoying it. Now it's annoying me. In a section near the start, twenty years later woman (can't remember her name) says that she will take one guy out and I take out the other. I sneak up behind one bad guy and try a stealth kill. At this moment, the other bad guy runs over and starts beating the crap out of me whilst the woman stays in cover. Thanks for your help sweetheart.

    In another section by the dock I'm sneaking up behind one of Robert's goons and she (same annoying woman) runs straight past me and right through his line of sight, stops, turns around and runs back to where she came from. She then changes her mind, runs straight towards the bad guy and stands in front of him for about five seconds and then runs back to her starting point. There is no reaction from the bad guy whatsoever. This did break the sense of immersion ever so slightly.
  • I would say that is the biggest flaw with the game; over keen AI from the NPC's, particularly the stealth sections. If they'd have programmed them to just hang back and wait until you'd made it through a tense section, it would have been all the better for it. The noise of their footsteps is also jarring to your near silent, crouch creep. The bit with the clickers in Bills Town graveyard was very immersion breaking, with Bill and Ellie clattering back an forth in front of you and even bumping into clickers and interupting their AI path.  

    Finished up last night with the stunning hotel section, climaxing with that terrifying basement escape. In terms of immersion and flat out, oppressive atmosphere, that bit nails it like no other game. Not even Dead Space can match it.
  • Curtis wrote:
    You won't find a finer piece of DLC than Left Behind. Utterly sublime.

    Just finished it, and totally agree.  It's a bit short, sure, but it felt worth it.  One thing that did strike me though was that the "game" bits were the sections I enjoyed least.  Every time it cut back to a fire fight, I rolled my eyes a little.  Also...
  • This game is beautiful. Started the dlc last night. Might have to do another run
    Maybe ng+
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Hi tin. Hope you are well.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Hi tin. Hope you are well.

    I'm good thanks Rev.  (Reaches into draw and retrieves tin of gluten free dog treats kept for just such an occassion.)  Are you still on walkies, or have you returned to curl up by the fire?
  • Whipped through the DLC last night and must say it was thoroughly excellent. The missus watched it all the way through which is always a good sign of quality. It was very short though. Even taking my time and looking in every nook and cranny it took me under three hours. At first I thought

    Fantastic stuff.
  • Just finished the game proper. Very good, I thoroughly enjoyed the story, I liked that each season was a slightly different angle. I was at my happiest walking and exploring and at my worst insta dying over and over. But on the whole really enjoyed it.
  • On my way through the main game on Survivor and, bar a few niggles, it's been fairly plain sailing. The worst bits are sections where you're forced into combat  and have to survive until a predetermined number of infected are dispatched. The bit in Bills Town where you're jump starting the car with Ellie was a nightmare. Took about forty restarts. It's not great game design when the game checkpoints you with no ammo, but hey ho. Learning to live without ammo and just use bricks, bottles and evasion is key to getting through it. There are some bits I just all out skipped, and feel I cheated myself but have to remember that I've seen it and the purpose of this run is just to get through it! The hotel basement was over in thirty seconds this time. First time through it must have took me well over an hour of trembling fear.

    Loving it.
  • Sony have put the excellent Grounded: Making of the Last of Us documentary up on their youtube channel. 

  • Ah nice one! Good shout I've been meaning to watch that...
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    That were an excellent watch indigo, thanks.

    raziel once wrote..."davie's to nice for this forum"!
  • Documentary is awesome.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • Yeah very good. Didn't realise the guy who voiced Joel was so young! 

    Finished this on survivor last night. It wasn't that bad to be honest. I looked at my stats after, that was interesting. I used one shiv in the entire playthrough, which pretty much goes to show clickers can all be avoided easily even on survivor. I did have a few random events in the game that were very frustrating though, the sections where you've got to hold off for a set amount of time were horrendous with no ammo. 

    All in all good stuff although I'm glad i played on normal from the off as you tend to miss loads on survivor because you just want to get through it and sometimes exploring is too damn risky.

    Looks like ND are adding a new difficulty level (presumably harder) for single player with the next round of MP Dlc. Good excuse for another playthrough, methinks.
  • Bloody MP DLC. Why can't they give us another great SP episode?? Fucking shitty MP. *spit*
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
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    The Mp were really great in this though.
    Excellent mechanics and systems.

    raziel once wrote..."davie's to nice for this forum"!
  • I really liked this game, but I can't think for the life of me why I'd want to play it through on an ultra hard mode.
  • Yeah survivor was enough of a struggle...
  • More cool TLOU videos on youtube. Making of the Left Behind Dlc:

    And the lovely Ashley Johnson (who plays Ellie) on the ending, dlc talking points etc... so spoilers:

  • Patch 1.07 adds new Grounded difficulty to single player today:

    New MP Maps/Weapons/Skills coming this week too.

    Edit: All patched up but when I try and start a game on the new difficulty, it tries to connect to the store, then times out. Maybe tomorrow for Europe then.
  • So I finished this just the other night, very impressed. Still have the DLC to look forward to. What's the MP like? Do people still play it?
  • Not sure. There was quite the following on here for a while. I didn't think too much of it though.
  • Moto70
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    I'm looking forward to playing the DLC.

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