Games and morality
  • Skerret
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    If the developer wanted to see how long it would take to mash solid shit into a liquid using his face, then that's what he wants but it's also dreadfully unsophisticated and the product of a mind that has expended little to no mental energy on actually thinking about what the fuck he is doing.

    He thinks he's making a statement, but he's not.  While everyone else is on their 5000th lap, he's wobbling about on the starting line having just pieced together that putting one foot in front of the other is a mechanically viable means of producing forward motion and has decided that everyone else needs this pointed out to them cause he's sick of how people are always just sitting down not like him a trailblazer blazer of trails anarchist challenging the status quo lol.  Homophobe?  Probably not.  Pants-on-head simpleton?  Definitely.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • Blue Swirl
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    Fuck Mugtome
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    Skerret wrote:
    Homophobe?  Probably not.  Pants-on-head simpleton?  Definitely.

    Hammer, meet nail. Nail, meet hammer.
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • Homophobe? Actually, probably is TBH. Falls under the "Now, I'm not racist/homophobic, buuuuut..." category. Devout christian, so probably thinks marginalising LGBT is the way to turn them from their sinful path etc.

    Also, anti-SJW game, so yeah, confirmed moron.
  • Skerret
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    Possible homophobe.  I figure he's never met anyone who isn't straight so doesn't actually know if he hates teh gay3rz or not.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • GooberTheHat
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    hunk wrote:


    Who knew there would be strippers in heaven.
  • Skerret wrote:
    Possible homophobe.  I figure he's never met anyone who isn't straight so doesn't actually know if he hates teh gay3rz or not.
    Nah, I think he is - I judge people on their actions, not on the mealy-mouthed excuses they trot out after the fact. You make a game "Kill the Faggots"/"Kill the Niggers", then you're a homophobe/racist in my book, plain and simple. "I'm not racist, I just think England should be for the English!". "It's only a game", "it was only a joke" - nope, doesn't wash.

    Also, lol at this "it was a sociological experiment to prove how easy it is to offend SJWs!" - when actually he tried really very hard to offend, so it doesn't prove that it's easy to offend after all. That's as retarded as going round a pub viciously verbally abusing everyone to "prove a point how easily offended some people are". He shoulda stuck with "ackchully is abowt effics in gaemz churnalism!". 

    The only thing it has proved is that he's a dumbfuck - he reckoned he was a games dev but he was only QA Drone 1732 at Activision or something. He's now burned all the (presumably free) VO, musicians and other artists that he'd got to help out with his supposed other game "The Shelter" (which would presumably be some piece of shit "Christian Game") and his name is now blackballed from any serious game dev job down the line as no one in their right mind will hire him. 

    So, giving him the benefit of the doubt that he's not a complete vegetable, this was only intended to piss everyone off and make a noise - "hey everyone, I'm an offensive attention-seeking arsehole!" (which has worked a treat) - presumably with the intention of sucking up to the MRA gamergate crowd and curry favour with them. But if he reckons he'll be able to then sell his crappy Christian Game to that demographic then he is a complete vegetable. If that demographic are spending anything at all, their pocket money is going on anti-sarkeesian patreons.
  • Go chump go.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • The thing with bigots is they generally don't think they're bigots - they'll always trot out the "I'm not racist/sexist/homophobic/islamophobic, I've got black/gay/muslim mates!". 
    They either think that what they're doing is inconsequential (e.g. "calm down dear, it's just a joke!") or that there's a good/valid reason behind their antagonism (e.g. Westboro who don't think they hate gays, they think they're showing love and concern towards gays because they want to save them from their sin and from an eternity of burning in Hell).
    Then they'll normally trot out the "being anti-bigot is actually bigotry towards bigots! I'm the one who is really being oppressed and marginalised here!", because they're thick as fuck.
  • Anyone who wheels out the term SJW to refer to actual people is an alarm ringer in my book.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Why? There are SJWs out there, mainly tumblr mentals out there who never leave the house, just as their are racists, or bigots. Its just most who get labeled one are labeled incorrectly.
  • Nah not really.

    I mean. What kind of label is it? Oh man this guy is always all about making things fairer, what a cunt.

    It's use is almost also exclusively by libertarian swivel eyed loons as well.
  • God he's always fighting for social justice that one. What a prick.
  • TBF, there are ways and means of advocating social change that are dumb/counter-productive, and that Jon Ronson book on shaming is on my to read list.

    Not sure if that's enough for me to think sjw is a worthwhile name, and I am yet to see someone using it who hasn't turned out to be a Dick.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • dynamiteReady
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    djchump wrote:
    Skerret wrote:
    Possible homophobe.  I figure he's never met anyone who isn't straight so doesn't actually know if he hates teh gay3rz or not.
    Nah, I think he is - I judge people on their actions, not on the mealy-mouthed excuses they trot out after the fact. You make a game "Kill the Faggots"/"Kill the Niggers", then you're a homophobe/racist in my book, plain and simple. "I'm not racist, I just think England should be for the English!". "It's only a game", "it was only a joke" - nope, doesn't wash.

    I was going to write some long ass reply, but...

    Gets me everytime. :3
    "I didn't get it. BUUUUUUUUUUUT, you fucking do your thing." - Roujin
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