FPS Genre - Where to now?
  • Keep forgetting to mention Drunken Robot Pornography. Anyone played it?

    Excuse the fuck-awful first bit of the vid, couldn't be bothered looking out a better one.

  • I don't know what either of those TLAs mean.
  • TTF was aiight but didn't set me on fire. I'm no doubt reducing this down unfairly, but it just screamed of Cod + mechs. I don't get how that's refreshing or new or original. Then again, I fell out of love with fps pretty quickly not so long ago and I'm not sure any new release will reignite the passion for a while. I'd quite like a meaty, gibby, chunky splatter fps though, all this AR-rifles, perks, oo raa can fuck off, for now at least.

    As mentioned in the Doom thread, Blood is now on steam I think. Could be the answer.
  • The movement in titanfall separated it from COD quite considerably and meant good players could have a field day. COD style matchmaking got boring pretty fast though, give me ranked play back please.
    GT: Knight640
  • I hear a lot about the movement and tbf I've spent no more than 3 or 4 games playing it. I'm sure it's very accomplished and I would enjoy it if I had a bone. It's unfairly suffering from my lack of interest in fps at the moment, no doubt.

    Anyway, I'm reminiscing atm:

  • Haven't really been keeping tracking of it, but does Destiny play a bit like an rpg?  Cos ever since the Deus Ex & Stalker series, I've been hankering for a proper fps-hybrid. For me, cross fertilization is the only thing that will keep the FPS alive.   I don't need ranked scoreboards and team co-op palava, just give me some downtime and a nice bit of inventory shuffling.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Bleurgh. I'll have no inventory shuffling ever, plox.
  • I just want a game with more to do then just panning shit over and over.
  • I do like an adventure. Metroid Prime and Half Life 2 had other shit going on.
    "..the pseudo-Left new style.."
  • Prey 2 sounded amazing in an Edge preview but it was vapourware.
  • Bollockoff
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    I was well pumped for that. Bounty hunting and Farscape.
  • That first level of Prey. One of the best openers for a loooooong time.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • No Blood love in here at all then? Fuck youse all. That and Duke 3D were the best things ever for my 14 yo self.
  • Never really played Blood, so don't have much to say about it. Fucking loved Duke, though.

    Considering the theme of the thread, I'm a little concerned there haven't been any comments about the video I posted at the top of the page.
  • It was far too colourful and explody for me to comment, soz. Looked nice though, but as hinted at before, I'm all fps'd out for the mo.

    Blood is Duke crossed with schlock horror. It's awesome. All the pop culture references of Duke but tailored for horror fans - lots of B-Movie and other horror film references. It was fucking awesome. I'd say it's still fucking awesome but I haven't played it in over 15 years so I may be rose spec wanking, but still, it's worth the steam price, no doubt.
  • I like gibs. Give me more gibs. I don't want robots exploding, I want entrails and heads popping off in showers of red. With gibs. Gibgs gibs gibs gibs gibs. Did I mention Gibs?

    I did. Several times.
  • A mate at work a while ago tried to tell it was pronounced gybs (hard G). He's a wanker.
  • Does he pronounce the full word the same way?

    Personally, I'm not so bothered about the theme of FPS' as I am what the mechanics are like.
  • Imo the attitude from gamers publishers and journalists needs to change.

    Every time a developer tries to make a game from a fp it is put up against Halo/Cod /battlefield.
    If it doesn't meet the sales or play like one of them it is deemed crap.

    Compare that to other genres like racing where there are a variety of sub genres all as good as each other.
  • AJ wrote:
    Does he pronounce the full word the same way? Personally, I'm not so bothered about the theme of FPS' as I am what the mechanics are like.

    Yeah I say to him "giblets mother fucker, giblets" but to no avail. Haven't seen him in years now 'cept for crazy posts on FB.
  • Seems like I know a lot of crazies.
  • Some people do just seem to attract them.

    I still haven't figured out what ITT is, BTW.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    ITT? Where did you see it used? In this thread?
  • Imo the attitude from gamers publishers and journalists needs to change. Every time a developer tries to make a game from a fp it is put up against Halo/Cod /battlefield. If it doesn't meet the sales or play like one of them it is deemed crap. Compare that to other genres like racing where there are a variety of sub genres all as good as each other.
    The racing genre seems to be getting smaller all the time though and the variety was being provided by old school devs able to polish and iterate from legacy titles and use knowledge from the PS2 era. I don't think there were ever that many devs able to do something convincing with FPS genre and what passed as AAA a few generations ago wouldn't cut it today.

    It's fine to say that new games don't get a chance, but something like Brink makes buyers very nervous of anything new in the genre because it was fundamentally broken in a way that makes the famously shoddy BF4 launch look not too bad.
  • ITT? Where did you see it used? In this thread?

    Yes. Here:
    Gonzo wrote:
    No idea how anyone can post ITT and not play TTF, by far the most refreshing FPS since Halo.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    I'm sure I've seen it in other threads as well.

  • Defo in this thread tho, fo sho yo know
  • Has anyone on here played Call of Juarez: Gunslinger? I think it's still one of the finest examples of the FPS genre and I still put it on from time to time. It's great for a quick blast. 

    I've been trying to get into Blands 2 recently but it takes so long to actually make progress and some sections take over an hour, I just don't have the time for it. I suppose co op is the way to go but I can't work out how to get people into my game. I don't want to go into other people's games, I've done that before and I was massively under levelled. 

    I also detest the endless picking up of loot. Not only do you have to point your cursor over a bin or box to open it, you have to press another button exactly on the item you want to pick up. Why can't I just auto pick up loot like cash for christ sake? 

    It gets annoying and tiresome really quick, especially with the amount of loot strewn about the levels. It was one of the many reasons I fucked Bioshock Infinte off.  

    The basic mechanics of Blands are great, but the vehicle sections and endless collectathon gameplay just get in the way.
  • Ah... it's just clicked.
  • They heard that penny drop in France.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire

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