Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
  • Roujin wrote:
    The balance is fine, the challenge is building a deck that is better at stealing gifts. There's no point putting a conventional deck into the brawl as the stuff that drops from the crates are going to be your win conditions.

    I know that. My deck is both ace and useless in equal measure though depending on the first few draws.
    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • Last night i discovered that silencing a frozen minion allows them to attack as normal. Maybe everyone else knew this.

    I also discovered that having two Bronzebeard's doesn't give you 4x battlecry, but this should have been obvious from the text on the card.
  • I have such terrible luck with the legendaries im getting. 2 x King Mukla, 2 x the Skeleton Knight and 1 Acid Maw. The only not shit one i've got is Van Cleef, but as i never play Rogue he's not that useful.
  • azv8h7J.png


    Ive been having a lot of fun.
  • Echo mage?

    I've been having fun with a Rogue ambush/deathrattle deck. Wil post the details when I get home, does okay, but I haven't played much this month so it's only been tested against dumpster ranks.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • I dont have the echo spell, so no. 

    I start each round playing like freeze mage, then as my mana increases i shift focus to getting sludge duplicates, these in turn buy me a enough time to save up cards for the final showdown, which is usually me dropping Brann with Rafaam or Dr Boom or something with battlecry.
  • I'm still enjoying just playing tavern brawl and arena. I've got about 2500 gold, seems best spent on arena tickets. Are any of the add ons I can get worth it?
    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • Yeah I think there are a few wings that give really good legendaries. 

    Whichever wings have Loatheb and Emporer Thaurissan would be worth it as those cards work in pretty much any deck you stick them in. 

    Since I'm here and I said I would post it the other day then forgot, here is my ambush deathrattle rogue deck:

    2x Deadly Poison
    2x Blade Flurry
    2x Eviscerate
    2x Gang Up
    2x Huge Toad
    2x Nerubian Egg
    2x Sunfury Protector
    2x Beneath the Grounds
    1x SI7 Agent
    2x Unearthed Raptor
    1x Tinkers Sharpsword Oil
    1x Baron Rivendare
    2x Piloted Shredder
    2x Antique Healbot
    2x Sludge Belcher
    1x Sylvanas
    1x Sneeds Old Shredder
    1x Anub'arak

    So the aim of the deck is a tempo based overwhelming of the opponent, caused by getting as much value off the raptor's deathrattle copy in combination with Baron Rivendare as possible. The Tinkers Oil is in there for your finishing punch to help get you over the line, especially if you have a blade flurry to go with it. 

    The dream start would be Egg, Raptor, and then being able to play Baron on the turn your raptor kills itself.

    If you get Beneath the Grounds off early you can really pick up some board presence if rng is on your side, I've had a few games where I played both Beneath the Grounds and managed to get a double ambush turn. 

    Gang Up is nice in the mid or late game to copy cards that will help your situation, so if you had to use your weapon a lot to protect the bopard iun the early game you can gang up a healbot or two, this also works if you think your opponent is playing for a fatigue win. Or if you find yourself up against a handlock or something you can pinch their giants or gang up your own Sylvanas. 

    Anub'arak is only there to provide more spiders, there are plenty of better legendaries, but I really like his return to hand mechanic, if you are able to play him late game and the opponent has no silences left, he will all but guarantee the victory. 

    That said, the deck is light on hard removal, you're relying on your eviscerates and then trading in either your free ambush spiders or your sticky minions like the shredder, belcher, sneed or anub to get the big threat killed and protect your board. 

    The deck has no silence and no big game hunters, so there are your downsides. I don't think it's a particularly strong deck but it's really fun to play.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Looks a fun deck Roujin. Will dabble.

    Naxx has some good cards, Daddy. Mad scientist, belchers and Loatheb. Changed the meta considerably in its' day and they're still used.

    Had a bad season so far. Trying to pull it back with one of those Flamewalker Tempo mages. Most likely low teens for me.
    3DS: 2105-8748-8084 Switch: SW-3316-5834-8308 PSN: aynsleyw
  • "In the long run, if you play solid, you'll be a more solid player." Aris Bakhthanians
  • Much easier for the dev this way. 
    I.e. Release new cards, one of them turns out to be OTT when used with some other card they didn't foresee, so they limit and phase out that card.

    The combination of cards and decks must be a bitch to play test. They've given themselves a get out of jail card here.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • It's the way MtG deals with it certainly, still seems an extreme way to go about it, especially as the card pool is still pretty small all things considered. I think they've been so reluctant to Nerf/buff along the way that it's now snowballed in to this situation. Going to be interesting times certainly, wonder what the new expansion will bring to balance it all out. Lost a lot of staple Taunts (Well, Sludge Belcher pretty much) that helped out against face decks.

    No more Dr Boom, glory be.

    18 deck slots as well, spoonful of sugar and all that.
    "In the long run, if you play solid, you'll be a more solid player." Aris Bakhthanians
  • Its interesting, I like the idea, creates interesting deck choices and stops the meta stagnating in theory.

    It is bullshit for f2p players though who like to compete for ranks, unless wild mode is going to have its own ranking ladder. But thens the breaks.

    All hail the return of Taz Dingo and Yeti!
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Typical. I finally get around to crafting Dr Boom and buying Naxx, and now they're going to be nerfed or phased out.
  • Also this males it way easier to balance the game as super weak and/or op cards can be left in the game as they drop out of the main competitive card pool eventually.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • I can see the logic of doing this but it's killing my interest somewhat. I have dusted so many cards thinking they were useless, which i now would need. Total waste of time/effort/money.
  • I am still loving this. But if there's one thing i dont like, it's the fucking community who make celebrities out of people who stream this.
  • I'm still loving it too.  All in for the new expansion!
    3DS: 2105-8748-8084 Switch: SW-3316-5834-8308 PSN: aynsleyw
  • Anyone that's into Hearthstone really needs to check out Duelyst:

    Only on Steam atm but its coming to ios, android, xbox and ps4.
  • Peroni has a lot to answer for.  Looks cool.
    3DS: 2105-8748-8084 Switch: SW-3316-5834-8308 PSN: aynsleyw
  • Blue Swirl
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    Fuck Mugtome
    3DS: 0602-6557-8477, Wii U: BlueSwirl

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    Anyone playing the Elder Scrolls: Legends beta? I've been loving the single player but have yet to venture into multi.
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • I still play this sometimes! Had an amazing game earlier, my homebrew greedy heal pally vs a midrangey control warrior. Best match I've played for I dunno, possibly years. 

    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Blue Swirl wrote:
    Anyone playing the Elder Scrolls: Legends beta? I've been loving the single player but have yet to venture into multi.

    Its looks interesting but seems a bit too similar to Hearthstone for me, although the 2 line idea could be interesting.  How is it?  Gwent is the one I'm looking forward to.
  • Blue Swirl
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    Fuck Mugtome
    3DS: 0602-6557-8477, Wii U: BlueSwirl

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    Nexx wrote:
    Its looks interesting but seems a bit too similar to Hearthstone for me, although the 2 line idea could be interesting.  How is it?  Gwent is the one I'm looking forward to.

    Gwent has also piqued my interest, and like Legends I've not played the main series of games.

    Yeah, it's good, and very similar to Hearthstone. It's basically Hearthstone - humour = ESL. The two lanes schtick works well, especially when it has special lanes. A clouded one, for example, means creatures start with an ability that means they can't be attacked for a turn, and the windy lanes moves one random creature to the other lane per turn.

    I've forgotten the name, but the premonition mechanic is interesting - draw a card whenever you lose a multiple of five life, play it for free if it has the premonition ability. It's a bit luck-heavy, but it does help someone who's taking a beating stay in the game.
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • Blue Swirl
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    Fuck Mugtome
    3DS: 0602-6557-8477, Wii U: BlueSwirl

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    Downsides I've noticed so far
    - it'll kick you out of a game if you lose 'net connection, even if you're in single player. On the upside, it does remember where you were in your game and returns you right to the point when you do get back in.
    - downloading patches takes an age (it estimated 19 hours for 300 MB), and is prone to failure. Pitfalls of beta software, I guess.
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • Vastik
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    Seconded on Deulyst, really enjoying it so far – great mix of card game and turn-based strategy with gorgeous pixel art and a nice sci-fi/fantasy aesthetic.

    Borrows a lot of Hearthstone's best bits bit brings plenty of its own to the table.
  • Vastik
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    And if you do try Deulyst, use curiousmachine as a referral code for some free monies.
  • Yeah I'm in deep, purchased card packs and everything... Trying to get all the classes up to level 11 at the moment and then I'm going to start playing around with creating my own decks.
  • Well I streamed a bit more hearthstone last night since I enjoyed it on Sunday. My homebrew greedy healadin managed to go about 6-3 although for some reason there was way less shitty aggro on the ladder last night compared to Sunday. This deck is hilarious when it works, but it really stretches out the games! Here are the best two from the set if anyone is bothered.

    The decklist itself is:

    2x Equality
    2x Wild Pyromancer
    2x Aldor Peacekeeper
    2x Consecrate
    2x Keeper of Uldaman
    2x Murloc Knight
    2x Refreshment Vendor
    1x Senjin Shieldmaster
    2x Truesilver Champion
    1x Prince Malchezaar
    1x Tuskarr Jouster
    2x Guardian of Kings
    2x White Knight
    1x Enter the Coliseum
    1x Sylvanas
    1x Tyrion Fordring
    1x Rag Lightlord
    1x Medivh the Guardian
    2x Lay on Hands

    The deck has almost no early game, literally turn two and three are just making dudes or an emergency Aldor in case of super aggro Tunnel Trog or Mana Wyrm starts and then after than I'm relying of refreshment vendor healing and body size, Senjin taunt and Truesilver to keep the board from getting out of control, either by soaking up minions or by drawing out removal and from the opponent and stalling their turn which will allow my big boys at the end to finish the match. Mid game I drop murloc knights and make dudes or play white knights for healing and finishing for spells, Guardian of Kings have decent bodies, draw more removal off the opponent and heal me, Prince Malchezaar as well except without the heal. The aim is for me to arrive at the late game with either a decent health pool, or a board clear in the form of equality +pyro/consectrate or Enter the Coliseum in hand. By then I should hopefully have Rag Lightlord, Medivh or Tyrion in hand, having exhausted most of the removal or the direct threats from my opponent. End game I try to setup a situation where I drop Medivh followed by a lay on hands to gain a chunk of life, draw 3 cards and then have Mediv's staff summon an 8 mana minion onto the board to keep the pressure up from the previous turn which they had to spend dealing with Medivh's 7/7 body. Or I get Rag down for more than one turn and am basically at full health and I just ride out the rest of the game until my opponent runs out of cards or threats, Prince Malchezaar and my lack of draw until late game ensure that I don't run out of cards first against most decks.

    The deck gets completely destroyed by control priest however due to their tools, my deck is heavy so every throughsteal hurts and I don't have enough removal of my own to counter their bit minions, plus what they steal or entomb from me and my deck is too slow without any real burst unless I draw something off a white knight to finish the game quickly.

    It also seems to get rekt by mid-range hunter which is just a bit too fast to keep up with because it's minions are more sticky than a full on aggro deck.

    Needless to say if you are playing against aggro and you don't draw your board clears or something like Senjin + Truesilver then you are probably dead before you can get your health total back up out of burst range in the mid to late game.

    And that is surprisingly more than I thought I was going to end up writing about a deck I made for the lulz in a game that I keep half an eye on and half a hand in here and there.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • MuseChick
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    I've got in touch with Blizzard to get rid of my authenticator that's on my old phone so I can log into my battle net account. What a pain in the arse! But now I've got a nice tablet to play this on I'm excited to get back into it!

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