Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
  • BRM complete on normal.  Pretty sweet.  Let the ladder shenanigans commence!
    3DS: 2105-8748-8084 Switch: SW-3316-5834-8308 PSN: aynsleyw
  • Bitey Druid is pretty cool, I'm sure Ramp is far more practical and has a higher win rate against the usual net decks. But the Blingtron combos you can pull off are pretty awesome when you get given a good weapon! I'll try and remember to put up the current iteration in full later, it's got the usual Druid hitters plus all the hero buff cards, two savagery and one savage roar (but no force of nature cos eff that cheese)

    Really enjoyed BRM, shame the Dragons haven't really dented the meta but I really love the cards, made a Dragon Pally deck that seems to work pretty well. Just not as well as Trumps midrange... But then I'm not gunning for top 100 Legendary so fuck it. Plus Nefarian's cast animation is ace. :)
    "In the long run, if you play solid, you'll be a more solid player." Aris Bakhthanians
  • Ah I forget I have HS on my phone now...

    Here you go, still working out some cards here or there.

    Innervate x2
    Claw x2
    Savagery x2
    Wrath x1
    Bloodmage Thalnos
    Wild Pyro x1
    Savage Roar x1
    BGH x1
    Druid of the Flame x1
    Bite x2
    Swipe x2
    Keeper of the Grove x2
    Starfall x1
    Blingtron 3000
    Druid of the Claw x2
    Harrison Jones
    Sludge Belcher x1
    Emperor Thaurissan
    Sylvanas Windrunner
    Ancient of Lore x2
    Dr. Balanced

    Could def swap a few things for taste, not sure Sludge is needed with both the DoC, but I like to have a bit of extra taunt to keep things off face. Dr.B is just a great card but I might give Chromaggus a run out as he's not BGH fodder. Starfall is there for denting Zoo and swarms but it doesn't really turn up that often so could be another body instead. Was wanting to put Captain Greenskin in for super weapon combos but it's so reliant on Blingtron.

    Anyway, that's the deck. :)
    "In the long run, if you play solid, you'll be a more solid player." Aris Bakhthanians
  • I like when I get turn 8 first against a warrior and play Grim Patron + Velen's Chosen.

    That is all.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • BAM! New expansion The Grand Tournament drops in August. 123 new cards, some that mess with hero powers and also looks like shaman might be viable again with the new totem effects they're getting on the new cards.

    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Shaman does need some love.  I've been rolling with mid range hunter for the past couple of months as I refuse to be a patron warrior!

    Looking forward to the new expansion.  I heard there was a U.S. deal for buying an initial 50 packs.  Anything similar for EU?
    3DS: 2105-8748-8084 Switch: SW-3316-5834-8308 PSN: aynsleyw
  • Dunno.

    Ive spent my time playing spare part gazlowe mech decks of late. I really enjoy the mage version i made which has flamewalkers for insane synergy and actually the druid version because innervating out mechbearcat against an early board and farming a shit ton of spare parts is tops.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Expansion launches Monday!  Tavern Brawl this week has two decks with the new cards in them, there seems to be a lot of RNG cards...
  • The mage deck in tavern brawl is completely OP too
  • Awesome.

    Yeah, I'm 2-0 with my first 2 brawls with the mage deck.  Nice precursor to the new cards.

    Blew a wad on the 50 pack deal a couple of weeks ago so can't wait to crack those babies open!
    3DS: 2105-8748-8084 Switch: SW-3316-5834-8308 PSN: aynsleyw
  • Its like they wanted to make the inspire mechanic look as good as possible so they put it against a really shitty deck.  Got a few wins with the hunter but its really hard work.  Lock & Load + 2xHunters Mark + Hounds is a pretty fun combo though.

    I went for the 50 packs too.  Goblins came out at a bad time for me so I haven't played Hearthstone properly for a while, aiming to get back into it.
  • So the expansion is out, anyone get anything good from their packs?  I got Icehowl and Confessor Paletress.  Have a great idea for a new priest deck using Paletress that I'm going to try out later.
  • Best I have yet is Mogor's Champion...

    So, um. Nothing particularly good.
  • I only got the fucking warlock legendary cunt gnome out of all 50 packs. My pack rng in HS totally sucks balls.

    Looking forward to trying a druid beast deck though.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • I got 3 legendaries from my 50 packs - the best of which might be Chillmaw, can't even remember the other 2 tbh.

    I've been rocking a pretty regular Shaman midrange deck with a few of the basic new cards to see how that rolls.  It improves the early game no end but I'll see how it goes - not horrendous so far but that may be just people getting used to funky decks.
    3DS: 2105-8748-8084 Switch: SW-3316-5834-8308 PSN: aynsleyw
  • Secret Paladin is disgustingly good.  I made Rank 8 without playing that much last season - like the addition of the end of season quests.

    Make said Paladin deck and turn 6 will never be the same again.

    As usual Tempo Storm call it and I don't feel so special anymore:


    Quick, whilst it's hot!  Currently only 2 tier 1 decks? Wow.  Woodi saw me plough to victory over the weekend with it.
    3DS: 2105-8748-8084 Switch: SW-3316-5834-8308 PSN: aynsleyw
  • Woodimari
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    I made that deck as soon as I could actually do it after the long waiting on patching and such. Tried it once against Pez and the lulz ensued!

    Played some totem shaman for the rest of the season, didn't really go for it but was fun, got a couple goldens in my chest so that was nice.

    Was a crushing victory sir, we'll have to have a few games sometime. Same to you Rouj. And anyone else. Woodimari#2219
  • Sounds like a plan. Totem Shaman is great fun too. I tried it out at the start of TGT along with Dragon Priest. It's so invigorating to have a fresh meta. I've not hit ladder in earnest for months so it's great getting back in to see how high I can get.
    3DS: 2105-8748-8084 Switch: SW-3316-5834-8308 PSN: aynsleyw
  • So far the best things about TGT for me has been the insane ramp druid action thanks to their new 2 drop that gives them the extra mana crystal while alive.

    I'm still struggling to make a decent beast druid, but I suspect I may have to basically go full ramp with it, savage combatants and maybe blingtron for potential insane hero attack damage turns.

    My dragon warrior still sucks though, I was hoping the new mini ancient watcher card and the taunt synergy cards would help, but I need to rejog the deck to make it all fit.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Fuck secret paladin and fuck getting darnassus aspirant out of a shredder.

    I'm killing it with totem shaman in ranked play at the moment.  80% win ratio from my last 20 games and up to rank 10.  Patron and secret paladin are the only matchups that I can't get my head around at the moment.  If anyone can play either of those decks somewhat competently I would be up for a few practice games.
  • So one of my daily quests is 'watch a friend win', I ain't got no friends! Who wants to help?
    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • The Daddy wrote:
    So one of my daily quests is 'watch a friend win', I ain't got no friends! Who wants to help?
    I will be your friend but can't guarantee I will win
    Switch Friend Code: SW-5407-6034-9226

    PSN: derekg
  • Cool, my username is Jonno.

    This week's Tavern Brawl is good fun, co-op against an annoying dude.
    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • The Daddy wrote:
    Cool, my username is Jonno. This week's Tavern Brawl is good fun, co-op against an annoying dude.
    cool will look you up and yes he is fucking annoying but co-op is a great idea
    Switch Friend Code: SW-5407-6034-9226

    PSN: derekg
  • Had a few successful Brawls this week, the only one that failed was with some guy who clearly didn't suss his role out.  Lost in about 12 turns.
    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • the new tavern brawl is fun, easy way to pick up a free pack
    Switch Friend Code: SW-5407-6034-9226

    PSN: derekg
  • Been loving this the last couple of months. Secret Pally play did me in eventually so started rocking the TGT aggro Druid Fel Reaver.

    Can't wait for the new adventure!
    3DS: 2105-8748-8084 Switch: SW-3316-5834-8308 PSN: aynsleyw
  • League of Explorers is out!  New card hype!

    Thinking about trying to put together a freeze mage inspired deck with Reno Jackson.
  • I play this quite a bit. Haven't spent any money on it though, which lowers the success ceiling considerably. Did get to 9 arena wins the other day though.
  • Speedhaak
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    Just recently picked this up again after a substantial break. It appears my Shaman control deck is obsolete. Looking forward to investigating all the new cards and procs. :)

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