Brand Loyalty
  • Mod74 wrote:
    Scotswahey wrote:
    My loyalty to Sony is based entirely on a history of top quality machinery by them... Solid machines.
    Shame the software running on them is so shite. They fixed those DVRs yet?

    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • Slowly but surely I've turned into a g-tard. That doesn't seem like the right nickname for it. Have google not reached a point where people who use their products get a name?

    Anyhoo, between my android phones, and switching to chrome, and working in three different places (work work, volunteer work and home) I've been hammering the cloud and whoring my way through the chrome store. 

    Obviously this is partly down to the way all the companies tend to bundle their stuff together. (I didn't switch over to gmail for years because I couldn't be arsed and have had a hotmail account for 10+ years.)

    How much of everyone else's brand loyalty (and I realise I've moved away from the OP a little here) is based purely on the convenience of staying within a brands "ecosystem" once you've started relying on one product?
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Absolutely Face. I have zero brand loyalty when it comes to tech. 
    My entire business is run on Apple devices purely for the convenience of their ecosystem.

    golden handcuffs
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • My brand loyalty ended when I disovered all three of them were badgers.
  • Escape
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    Hey oop, man, are you still playing fighters?
  • I've been playing some SF X Tekken a while back, but I'm probably starting some SF4 action again with the ULTRA update coming next year.

    I'm anxious to know who the fourth unannounced character will be.
  • Good news guys, i stuck with nvidia afterall, although it makes me a bit sick inside that i couldnt achieve what i wanted with later series because they deliberately crippled them

    GTX 580 3GB it's a beast

    My big brand switch was moving from Samsung phones back to HTC, we've had 4 smartphones in total, i started her on the HTC Desire, then i got the S2, then she got the S3 and i was charging into S4 land when i thought 'wait a minutes' and actually had a decent look at what everyone's offering and the HTC One is quite simply the most beautiful thing out there, so fuck brand royalty, go for pretty

    It has the best camera ive ever used on a device that had no aperture control

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