• So what's he wrong about then?
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    All of it.
  • I'd often like the plain English version of the discussions because I'm pretty sure your just saying the same things just putting the words in slightly different order.
  • Moto70
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    n0face wrote:
    I'd often like the plain English version of the discussions because I'm pretty sure your just saying the same things just putting the words in slightly different order.
    Regardless of next gen this, cloud power that, DRM, TV, BluRay, Skype, Sharing, Kinect, DDR5 and eveything else that has been said there is one thing that surely all of us can agree on...

    ...you have the best avatar in this forum.

    The Eels album cover is the second best.
  • Is this Xbox only then? Good move by ms, shit move by Sony? Perhaps a classic bungie vs respawn for next gen?

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    Xbox and PC.

    I'm hesitant about Destiny. Something about it isn't clicking with me yet. Saying that we know next to nothing about either of them.
  • Mod74 wrote:
    Xbox and PC. I'm hesitant about Destiny. Something about it isn't clicking with me yet. Saying that we know next to nothing about either of them.

    They could be interchangeable from the little we've seen. Future sci-fi, FPS, big robots, bang, bang, explode etc. Can't find any real excitement for either.
  • Mod74 wrote:
    All of it.

    I was hoping for a bit more of the specifics. Why is he wrong. Imagine this is Star Trek, and this is where you use the simple analogy to explain the complex idea to the idiots in the audience.

    If we can re-route engine power through the primary weapons and reconfigure them to Melllvar's frequency, that should overload his electro-quantum structure.

    Like putting too much air in a balloon!
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    Why don't you ask Chump how a cloud computing platform owned by Microsoft is being run by Respawn or how the platform aspect of it they're using for physics and AI is dedicated to them.
  • Or how it'll play online with my 3Mbps connection having to also deal with cloud info :)
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    The amount of data being transmitted isn't the problem, it's the latency.
  • Exactly. Bandwidth is precious at low levels. More uplaoding and downloading of cloud data means less coordinate data. If cloud requires at least 1.5Mbps, than I'm left with the equivalent of 1.5Mbps for everything else. Don't get me wrong, the idea is clever, but like the Kinect demos in large, well lit expensive rooms with centre mounted TVs in the perfect position, it's not the reality of most people's lives.
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    It doesn't mean less co-ordinate data. It means the amount of bandwidth it can use will depend on how much you have free after all the important stuff has been taken care of.

    How much does voice impact your bandwidth? Do you get less lag by turning your mic off? Of course not, it's cleverer than that.
  • Moto70
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    So, this new game from Respawn then. From what I can glean from the small details available, I couldn't give less of a fuck. Robots and guns and stuff I'm tired just thinking about it.
    Given the latest news it would appear that I can just let you log me in at yours and you can try the game for yourself, happy days I'd say!
  • I don't understand the devs claim that they can use cloud power not efficiently than 8gb of ram and then make an xbox360 version as well. Seems IFFY to me!
  • Moto70
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    I don't understand the devs claim that they can use cloud power not efficiently than 8gb of ram and then make an xbox360 version as well. Seems IFFY to me!
    Probably in the same way that the 3DS version of FIFA is different to the PS4 version I expect.
  • Mod74 wrote:
    Why don't you ask Chump how a cloud computing platform owned by Microsoft is being run by Respawn
    Nope, I never said that.
    djchump wrote:
    The "cloud computing" revealed here so far is that they run a dedicated server.
    djchump wrote:
    Microsoft xbone "cloud computing" is that they're running the dedicated servers on their server farms? That's not cloud computing, otherwise pc games have been "cloud computing" for years, and BF3 is currently "cloud computing" all over EA's servers.
    i.e. Microsoft's so-far mythical "cloud computing" is that they are running the dedicated servers. My lulzing thus far has been firmly directed at this whole "don't worry about the underpowered xbone hardware, we have the INFINITE POWER OF THE CLOOOOUD!!!"

    derp - you should really make more effort to read peoples' (and your own) posts before grabbing the wrong end of the stick and running with it ;-)
  • Ali wrote:
    Or how it'll play online with my 3Mbps connection having to also deal with cloud info :)
    It'll play just as well as any other Source Engine multiplayer game - because that's all it is so far ;-)

    TF2 co-op with loads of bots? Any other horde mode game running the NPC AI and physics on the host? Works fine.

    Leaving aside the lulzing at the PR fluff about "cloud computing" (and the fanboy mugs that swallow PR whole when it's their favoured brand, but deride mercilessly when it's any other brand) and regarding the game itself:

    - Source engine interesting choice over Unreal - possibly fits their pipeline experience on the IW engine, as both CoD and Source grew from the old Q3 engine - but given the 10+ years of work since, it doesn't seem too likely that the pipelines are still similar. Maybe they had issues hitting 60fps on UE? Or maybe the licensing was cheaper. No idea.

    - hints of L4D storytelling suggest chaptered co-op - hopefully they'll also use the AI director idea so that each playthrough differs. can't imagine much longevity for an online only corridor shooter if it plays through the same every time.

    - big robots are fun

    - rumours are 1 year exclusive to MS platforms - an eminently sensible route for a startup devco - concentrate everything on one platform (and PC SKU) and making the game as top notch as poss, outsource the port, during the year of exclusivity keep DLC and updates rolling in while working on other platform ports (i.e. PS4) to land as soon as deadline passes.

    - xbox360 source port hopefully shouldn't be too cutdown. Core will be there, player/NPC count will take a hit no doubt, visuals obviously.

    - not sure how likely there is to be a ps3 version - IMHO very low. Still, there is Source Engine on PS3 to some extent, so depending how many copies they sell on xbox360 it could be financially viable to outsource it again to someone with the expertise (not sure who that'd be though - PS3 Source Engine devs? Can't think of any other than Valve TBH).
  • Moto70
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    Is there a chance of getting the forum back on track and getting the 'cloud computing' to it's own thread or into the PS4/Xbox One thread?
  • For'm does as for'm wilt.

    *rocks on chair, chews stalk*
  • Moto70 wrote:
    I don't understand the devs claim that they can use cloud power not efficiently than 8gb of ram and then make an xbox360 version as well. Seems IFFY to me!
    Probably in the same way that the 3DS version of FIFA is different to the PS4 version I expect.

    Yes, but the issue doesn't square with the no PS4 version. It's like they're embarrassed to say that they got exclusively bought by MS. I think that is a reasonable business decision if it makes sense (and I guess it means they don't want to burn bridges).

    Edit: i mean "focus on one machine" is fine until the detail suggest that PS4 + Xbone are basically 80 percent the same.
  • Moto70
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    Ah right I see, sorry it is it quite clear what you meant but it slipped me by!

    If it is an exclusive they should just say as much, as for saving any bridges the damage will already be done but if this game is a success then we all know that Sony wouldn't stop it coming out on the PS4.

    I remember the days when every game was an exclusive!
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    djchump wrote:
    Leaving aside the lulzing at the PR fluff about "cloud computing" (and the fanboy mugs that swallow PR whole when it's their favoured brand, but deride mercilessly when it's any other brand) and regarding the game itself:

    I was going to let this ride, and given the fact you think a game server is the same thing as a cloud computing platform I think I will have to let it slide as you clearly haven't got a clue what you're talking about.
  • Mod74 wrote:
    I was going to let this ride, and given the fact you think a game server is the same thing as a cloud computing platform I think I will have to let it slide as you clearly haven't got a clue what you're talking about.
    lulz - I'm not the one claiming a game server is the same thing as cloud computing - Respawn and Microsoft are. You still aren't thinking clearly because of all that Microsoft koolaid - just imagine what you'd be saying if Apple or Sony had announced a brand new "cloud computing gaming paradigm" and all they were doing was running dedicated server instances on their blades; you'd be lulzing just as hard as I currently am!

    Way to let it ride, you're a real man of your word ;-)
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    I would have let it ride if you hadn't have been so insulting.

    Look, just because you don't understand what cloud computing is and think it's just PR buzz swallowed by faboys, fine. But all you're doing is showing your ignorance of a system that powers half the web and I'm sure you've used many times today already without even knowing.

    Please, if you want to talk about it drop the insults. I'd suggest doing some reading before coming back though.
  • heh - "you're being so mean and rude to me!" - man, you've got whiny lately. Karma comes back around, so if you want me to not be snarky and rude to you, lead by example Mod.

    Sure sure, anything that's run on a cloud server is infinite power cloud computing sure. Multiplay have been in the cloud computing game for years. Or, wait, do you actually think they will deliberately batch the job processes out to separate blades and introduce even more sources of latency into the host's frame loop, or that the Azure load-balancing will do that?
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    Or carry on being rude, it's up to you.

    (which is also why I'm not engaging in the actual topic, before you come back with the oh so predictable)
  • Mod74 wrote:
    Or carry on being rude, it's up to you.
    Good for you. A concerted effort of more of that, more politeness and consideration, and less of your usual snark, and you might find you get less snark in return! ;-)
  • Yossarian
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    Clearly cloud computing is bollocks because if you put your servers on a cloud and it rains the cloud will disappear and your servers will tumble to earth. Glad we've got that sorted out.
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    djchump wrote:
    Mod74 wrote:
    Or carry on being rude, it's up to you.
    Good for you. A concerted effort of more of that, more politeness and consideration, and less of your usual snark, and you might find you get less snark in return! ;-)

    I wasn't rude to you so get off your high horse.

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