Gods & Monsters: The Prometheus Thread (Mahooosive Spoilers!)
  • I thought that was them creating humans.
  • I usually try and avoid that.
    Ross Kemp Investigative Journalist
    Skullfuck yourself into a fine mist
  • I can't find it now, pretty sure it was on Time's website, but Lindelof was interviewed about working with Ridley and it talks about the start sequence. Ridley had it hashed out, and Lindelof asked him where it was, Ridley told him and the Lindelof suggested putting up a credit to say where it is happening, and Ridley told him not to.

    So it is open to interpretation. Most likely one is that it is Earth I guess, him creating the 'primordial soup' given that the gooey stuff acts as some kind of evolutionary accelerant.
  • Seems pretty obvious to me - I can't really see any other explanation working.
  • ur obviously a MORAN
  • Gremill wrote:
    Saw this last night and despite all the criticism here being valid and all - I really enjoyed it from beginning to end.  Great performances, astonishing spectacle and gruesome body horror FTW.  I was aware of the bewildering inconsistencies, daft script, confusing motivations of the characters and frankly ludicrous actions/inactions of those characters but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't along for the ride for the whole thing. Two minor moments of sheer idiocy stood out though - Guy Pearce walking like an insane cross between Forrest Gump and John Cleese in his leg braces and Noomi rolling slightly to the left to avoid the massive crushing spaceship death.  Stupid on a Roland Emmerich level of stupid. Having said that, I like Chronicles of Riddick so I may not be the best judge of these things.

    Have to agree with you Grem, I thought it was fine. I did go in with extremely low expectations though, due to the last 10 years or more of Scott's work. The other incredibly silly moment was the first researcher acting the fool in front of the worm thing about to attack him, naive to the point of full blown learning disabilities making first contact with an alien species. In a 2012 replica of a scene with Newman in 1993's Jurassic Park. Now that I think of it, the fact that that idiot got annihilated by the aliens in an outrageously disturbing body horror incident from which I physically couldn't stop myself from saying "damnnnn" after its occurrence, makes me think it's better.
    XBL: DJ Rick Joyce
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  • g.man wrote:
    Bollockoff wrote:
    Only one thing I need to say.
    is able to programme an incredibly rare medical machine to perform an emergency c-section on herself
    To be fair it is established she knows of the machinery and its manufacturer earlier on in the film. And from what I remember of the C-section scene she actually tricks the machine into doing one by selecting foreign object removal from an easy drop-down menu. Which come to think of it was more related to her imminent exploding cavity problem anyway. Why the fuck was it even a squid? It was obvious that it was ready to "hatch" and it looked nothing fucking like its host.
      Again, terrible "how do we get there" exposition. They throw in that scene where she coos over the incredibly rare medical machine and says ZOMG, you've got one of these incredibly rare medical machines, in a feeble attempt to justify her use of it later in the film.  But ffs, she's an archeologist. Why would she know how to operate the machine, let alone, trick it's programming into performing an operation it's not actually programmed to perform. absolute garbage g.man

    I did wonder why you'd have one on board a craft for mixed sex that only did male procedures.. or did I miss something? Is that why it's rare? Was it not stored in Thezrons lifeboat thingy?

    I did enjoy it though.
    The Forum Herald™
  • I know how to drive a car even though I'm not racing driver.  I know how to use an oven even though I'm not a chef.  I know how to do fuckloads of things despite them not actually being my chosen career.
  • Alarm bells seriously began ringing when it went all 'Exposition for Dummies'.

    "This here machine is really rare and I'm not showing it to you now because of its importance later in the film. Honest guv."
    "Oh yeah, and this part of the spaceship can become a self-sufficient vessel. Not that that will be needed over the next 2 hours. No sirree"
    "Oh yeah, we've travelled half a trillion miles, to see the source of life. OOOOHHH there's something alive with you lot in the tunnels. Fuck it, I can't be arsed to tell anyone about it because I've got Robocheeks to bone."

    I watched it in 3D Imax and the picture was truly stunning, especially the opening 5 minutes. I didn't hate it but did seem like the heart of the movie had been dumbed down. It was like someone had left the first 5 pages of The Magus, ripped out what followed and replaced the rest of the novel with The Da Vince Code. 

    Off to Secret Cinema tonight and from what has been suggested online I think the film is Alien. We're all having to go in boilersuits and this is likely to be less embarassing than whoever was responsible for the script in Prometheus.
  • Tempy wrote:
    I can't find it now, pretty sure it was on Time's website, but Lindelof was interviewed about working with Ridley and it talks about the start sequence. Ridley had it hashed out, and Lindelof asked him where it was, Ridley told him and the Lindelof suggested putting up a credit to say where it is happening, and Ridley told him not to.

    So it is open to interpretation. Most likely one is that it is Earth I guess, him creating the 'primordial soup' given that the gooey stuff acts as some kind of evolutionary accelerant.

    I must've missed a bit at the start, then. I just saw a guy swallowing some shit and disolving in a river on a planet I assumed to be elsewhere, and didn't take much notice of it.
    Ross Kemp Investigative Journalist
    Skullfuck yourself into a fine mist
  • You didn't miss anything but later on when the science magic machine confirms they have the same DNA as the Engineers it kinda suggests that the planet was primordial earth. I guess.
  • regmcfly
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    Err.. People who are thinking this now won't do well, a quick trip to boxofficemojo will tell you it pulled in $46 million overseas last week, and is on course to getting at least $50 million this opening weekend alone in the states, which will put it up in the top openings for an R rated film. Considering its also going up against a new Madagascar film, that's a pretty strong opening. Like it or not, film is taking bank.
  • Wank, then.
    Ross Kemp Investigative Journalist
    Skullfuck yourself into a fine mist
  • regmcfly wrote:
    Err.. People who are thinking this now won't do well, a quick trip to boxofficemojo will tell you it pulled in $46 million overseas last week, and is on course to getting at least $50 million this opening weekend alone in the states, which will put it up in the top openings for an R rated film. Considering its also going up against a new Madagascar film, that's a pretty strong opening. Like it or not, film is taking bank.

    I'm not sure anyone has claimed once that it won't do well?
  • regmcfly
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    Go back a bit - people are talking about how there won't be a sequel because of bad word of mouth. Which means fuck all nowadays
  • Ah yes, I forgot about that, my bad.

    I'm sure bad word of mouth would still entice people to see it regardless.
  • regmcfly
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    That's exactly it.
  • Fair enough then, I did say I didnt have any evidence to support my ideas when I said it wouldn't do well. Does anyone know how much it cost to make?

    Thinking about, they are doing a third Riddick film so surely any film can have a sequel!
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • $130-200mil according to Wiki
  • Lots of money to chuck at a pretentious b-movie script. I think I spent the entire film distracted with 3D.
    Ross Kemp Investigative Journalist
    Skullfuck yourself into a fine mist
  • A trilogy still seems an odd thing for Scott to tie himself to, financial success or otherwise. Saying that, going back to the alien universe was quite odd anyway.
  • regmcfly
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    It's an odd thing for him to tie to because HE IS 75 FOR GODS SAKE. Mrs Reg said an interesting thing to me when she said she thought Scott was perhaps projecting himself onto Weyland?
  • regmcfly
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    Budget I heard was at $150 so let's say $250 with promo etc
  • 250 dorror...'kin 'ell
    Ps4:MrSpock1980J     XBL-360: Jadgey      
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  • I highly doubt there will be a sequel, I just don't think the demand will be there from the public coupled with the fact that the narrative has ventured into the realms of the absurd.  This will have to do very big money for one to be green lit. The fact that Lindleof is already starting to distance himself from this also doesn't bode well.
  • FranticPea
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    Lots of money to chuck at a pretentious b-movie script. I think I spent the entire film distracted with 3D.

    I think our local cinema must have a dodgy screen, I forgot it was even in 3D while watching it. Added absolutely nothing to the experience.
  • That's what I mean, every couple of minutes I was taking the glasses off to check and it was 2D. It keeps dipping in and out. It was always on really obvious things like foreground objects and for a few exceptions here and there, that was the full extent of it.
    Ross Kemp Investigative Journalist
    Skullfuck yourself into a fine mist
  • FranticPea
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    For me 3D just makes the experience worse. I don't wear glasses normally so they just irritate me. Mutter mutter grumble.
  • Mr_Knight wrote:
    I highly doubt there will be a sequel, I just don't think the demand will be there from the public coupled with the fact that the narrative has ventured into the realms of the absurd.  This will have to do very big money for one to be green lit. The fact that Lindleof is already starting to distance himself from this also doesn't bode well.
    They spent hundreds of millions of dollars making a film based on the Battleships game, your logic doesn't apply here.

    I'd also agree about 3D, has a very limited effect on me. No idea whether it's my eyes or the screen.
  • For me three d is woah for 5 mins but then I get used to it and it becomes normal. My reasoning for this is that I don't go around in real life thinking "ooh this table is 3d"

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