Say you had to, could you choose one game per console?
  • Throwing daggers at those without Dreamcasts. A curse on your homes. A pox on your children etc.
  • Verecocha wrote:
    Really quiet at work today so stole this from Gaf as thought some of the answers were interesting, though many lists are similar. If you could only have one game for each console you've owned what would it be, and why? Remind you of a good time in life or just an awesome game? NES -Super Mario Bros 3. EAE22E82-6660-4050-83A4-E162583E2470.png Just an awesome game, better than anything I'd ever played. And loved the Tanooki suit. Runner up- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. SNES - Super Probotector 41E3D170-ED2D-458B-8702-95E95C97F63C.jpg Played this just far too much. Awesome game. Co-op with my dad. Aces memories. Loved every second of it. The guns, sound FX, the looks, awesome. Runner up- Zelda A Link to the past.The much better game really, but man those co-op memories. PlayStation- Metal Gear Solid 2D181FB4-1366-4F1B-9A40-2689B2E8D015.jpg Really snuck up on me, wasn't interested at all but man, hooked within minutes. Way beyond its time. Speed running at a mates house became almost a weekly thing. Runner up- Resi 2. Very close... N64 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time F94B081B-D3A0-484A-A5F8-9595408CC0E0.jpg Christmas Day was taken away by this, sod the other gifts, keep your food, I'm not stepping away from this. Runner up- Mario 64, mind blowing at the time for me. The absolute scope of it all... Gamecube - Resident Evil 4 C139ECBD-50DA-4B53-A2D7-991FF26020CF.jpg Don't think I've completed a game as many times. Again it was much more than I expected. Was so worried they'd changed an awesome formula, turned out to be one of if not the best 3rd person experience I've had. Runner up- Eternal Darkness. Lots of choice here, but ED is such an awesome gem of a game, shame it's not got a sequel...yet. DreamCast- Shenmue 9A6A1EAA-BA02-4883-9BE5-E6FBEF66B574.jpg The most boring good game ever. Way ahead of its time in scope, and hardware capabilities. The combat system was ace though, and even the crap story pulled me in a bit. Runner up-Jet Set Radio, fucking awesome game. This was a close call too. Xbox - take a wild fucking guess... D2DB8A4A-D899-4243-A3C5-E53EAB2E4843.jpg Saved for ages and got about 4 launch games, took the day off college, didn't put anything else in the dust drive. Hall had everything. EVERYTHING I wanted in a game. The memories, co-op, MP, most played game for years until Halo 2. Runner up-Halo 2 would be too easy, though it added online MP! So I'll go with Fable. Awesome game at the time. Did loads I'd not really seen or been interested in before. PlayStation 2-MGS3 D04A6DA0-11A0-45FE-B4C8-57CE3AFD4E4E.jpg Loved this game, eventually. Same crazy MGS but loved taking the gameplay systems into a different environment. Runner up-Good few I can't really choose from DMC, Ico, Silent Hill 2. Xbox 360 - Not very original but... 43EC12D8-584E-45E3-AA6A-AB9833E32817.jpg Again just awesome. Pretty much exactly what I wanted. No Arbiter, just Chief times! The co-op, the MP took up so much of my life, fucking awesome times. Runner Up- LOADS! Bioshock, Mass Effect, Red Dead, Dead Space, CoD 4, but I'll go with Gears, came kind of out of nowhere and took up so many Uni nights on MP, and tons of forum fun...and hate. PS3 - Uncharted C1DC2136-BDA0-4D57-A90A-19BC7F65E713.jpg I'll be honest in saying I wasn't big on the PS3, but I did like Uncharted, a decent adventure with likeable characters. A good romp! Wii-Super Mario Galaxy C0C8CA6D-1738-49FB-AD4C-E4135F6E67CC.jpg Ninty do it again, take Mario and put him in a different environment with much of the same systems and somehow make it work. Aces game. Runner Up- Metroid Prime, took time but eventually loved it. PS4 - Not played much on it but so far I'd have to say The Last of Us Remastered 14FDEA78-2B80-44C6-8812-7E5EEB920BD4.png Great game, never played on PS3, but really emotionally involving! Runner up- Until Dawn, rubbish but awesome game! Loved comparing results with everyone! Xbox One- Destiny 91D87437-5A61-428B-B1D1-0D1BD867BD62.jpg Simply never played a game so much. Regardless of what everybody else thinks I love it. Played nearly everyday for an age. It's got everything gameplay wise. And it's been fucking awesome with badgers. So many memories. And to be honest it still gets better all the time. Best game mechanics wise of all time for me. Runner up-Alien Isolation, Titanfall, Quantum Break, Halo 5.

    Perfect list for me, bar Dreamcast which would be.... Capcom vs SNK!
  • The only things I don't like on Cocha's list are Uncharted 1, which was utter pants although sequel was passable, and Destiny which is, well, Destiny.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • I'd probably consider changing heaps on my list now. There's too many to think of and forget. 

    Dreamcast though is easy. The soul still burns. Toy Commander is a solid runner up.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
  • Yossarian
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    Dreamcast is pretty tough for me. Soul Calibur, Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, Powerstone, Ikaruga, House of the Dead 2, Quake III. So much goodness in one little box.
  • Quake III is the nearest miss for me.  Still the most fun I've ever had with online mp.
  • It's massively tough to choose, but I just went with the first that really stuck, Uncharted was close with MGS4 but I didn't want too many MGS's, and I didn't buy much for my PS3. And Destiny, oh man I lurrrrrrrve Destiny.

    Ooooh another good shout @Hulka!!
  • PS1 and PS2 are the hardest for me. Oldbox pretty tough too.

    360 is Halo 3 all the way. Rock Band 3 might have made it tough, but I'd have nothing on Xbox One if I didn't choose Rock Band 4, so I can sidestep that.
  • SNES and N64 were the only tough ones for me, the rest were pretty straight forward.
    オレノナハ エラー ダ
  • Spectrum - Elite - Thought about Lords Of Midnight or Jet Set Willy, but this was a time sink. Hard to believe it was possible on that hardware. I wonder what sort of frame rate it ran at?

    Megadrive - Flashback - For the graffix, I don't think a game has seemed such a leap forward since.

    Saturn - Sega Rally - An arcade game, in the living room! In hindsight, the competition wasn't strong.

    N64 - Goldeneye just beats Perfect Dark and 1080 Snowboarding. Invention and 3D and shooting and a film adaptation, all on one cartridge.

    Dreamcast - Metropolis Street Racer - Simcade perfection.

    PS1 - Driver - Cinematic sandbox goodness. Amazing how this series predates so much, but turned bad so quickly.

    Xbox - Halo CE - Atmosphere, playability, difficulty, versus.

    Xbox 360 - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Never to be repeated large map MP goodness.

    PS4 - Motorstorm Pacific Rift - Punching another motorcyclist never gets old.

    Xbox One - Forza Horizon 2 - Shenanigans.
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  • Here we go.

    Mega Drive - Sonic The Hedgehog 3

    Was just so excited about it. It came out a month before my 7th birthday and I begged and pleaded with my parents to get it. £59.99 was the price and I remember thinking that was megabucks. Thankfully, they relented and I played it for months and months. I remember being in awe of the fact that this was The New Shit, and it just looked better and there were all these crazy different new levels and songs to hum along to. I know it's not the best Sonic but it's the one I'd choose.

    Super Nintendo - Super Mario World

    There's nothing I can add to the millions of words already said about this game. Just about the perfect platformer.

    Game Boy - Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins

    And whenever I wasn't indoors playing SMW, I was in the back of the Volvo playing this. Again, not the best in the series, but it was the one I had and I was proud of it and made sure I bloody enjoyed it!

    Playstation - Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2

    I was 13 when it came out in the summer of 2000, and Generation X was in full effect. I'd started to listen to rap and punk music, and had a group of close knit friends and we all played the shit outta THPS2. Marseille is the level. I've played so many PS1 games, but I'm choosing one and this is it. Every entry since has been a case of diminishing returns.

    N64 - F-Zero X

    I hadn't really clicked with Wipeout at that age for some reason. I just loved this. The feeling among us pre-teens that we may actually have enough controllers between us to make sure that shit was gonna go down is one of pure excitement and joy. Thankfully, the game delivered and then some.

    Dreamcast - Virtua Tennis

    The buzzphrase back then in the mags was "perfect arcade conversion", and when we talk about that, we talk about this game. So addictive. But so cruel too, as friendships were tested when the rallies hit what seemed like quadruple figures.

    Playstation 2 - Pro Evo 5

    The One.

    Game Boy Advance - Astro Boy: Omega Force

    At this point, I was beginning to see what games were being "critical darlings", and this, oddly enough, seemed to be one. Then I noticed it was some team called Treasure that made it and they also made a Mega Drive game I loved by the name of Dynamite Headdy. So I took the plunge. The guy in Gamestation laughed at me as he went to retrieve the cartridge, I remember, but I think I got the last laugh. Hard as nails platformey shooty joy.

    GameCube - Metroid Prime

    Got completely immersed in it. The first FPS that made sense to me.

    Xbox - Outrun 2

    Cant quite find the words for just how perfect this game is. When the Dreamcast died, and as arcade games shrunk in popularity, the dream of getting more perfect conversions for home use went with it. Then AM2 delivered this. And it was probably better than anything on the DC. Absolute joy on a disc.

    PSP - Lumines

    The six different bus journeys I'd make to college daily, to sit around and record music (and post on a Internet forum hosted by the renowned videogames magazine Edge because I didn't have an Internet connection at home) were made bearable by this little gem, and the Virtua Tennis conversion on launch. As the games and love for the PSP dried up, amongst the failed promises of PS2-quality experiences and the fact that maybe they didn't just work, a little puzzle game made FOR the system and it's widescreen display done more for it than many imagined. There's been many different versions released, but they just don't work unless it's on PSP.

    Xbox 360 - Skate 2

    The original, and the demo they released for it, was a complete revelation. It was when EA still had a bad rep, but I was burned so bad by what THPS had become, so it got a chance. Then the sequel came along and topped it in every way. So I choose that. 3 was also great, but 2's map edges it. It's odd how a different series, with a completely different way of presenting a sport, can almost completely obliterate the love you had for its fallen rival. I'd wondered what the hell I was doing, playing these simple, mere shadows of what Skate was and is. It needs to come back. It just needs to.

    Nintendo DS - Elite Beat Agents

    Osu! Ouendan! Takedan! (and it's sequel) could be my choice easily, but I prefer singing along to Sk8er Boi and Material Girl, so there ya go. Where did you go, iNiS? You were so good to me.

    Playstation 3 - Wipeout HD

    The silkiest, smoothest, shiniest, most brilliant game on that system by a mile. Such a shame it didn't get the love from the wider general public it deserved. Online races with the Sonybots from here are well remembered. Great times.

    Nintendo Wii - Sin & Punishment 2

    Treasure do it again, giving you a blend of gameplay that delivers excitement and demands skill once more. It's just fucking great.

    Nintendo 3DS - Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour

    Still worth a round or two whatever the weather.

    Xbox One - Forza Horizon 2

    What is left to be said about the racer on the underpowered and lower-selling console that still commands full 12-player lobbies most Fridays from a small pool of gamers all coming from the same small corner of the Internet? There's a reason why we keep going back. Maybe it's the buttery-smooth handling model, adapted perfectly from Turn 10's simulation model into a perfect blend that's "arcadey but not too arcadey". Or maybe it's the map, full of tight city circuits, long coastal sprints, or off-road Hill climbing and descending madness. Or maybe it's that just about nothing comes close to the feeling of nailing a long left turn over the bridge on Costa Sprint in a Lambo as 8 or so fellow Badgers breath down your neck and Hair is trying to put you off and Webbs dulcet tones are in your ear and your drunk and crylaughing and still trying to race and the sun shines so brightly on the course and your just in love with it all.

    In fact, just watch this. 5 minutes of video from a FNF race, where it's all encapsulated.

    There we go. Surprised I didn't get Rez in there, as it's maybe my all time fave, but I just went with instinct and winged it in the blurbs. Cheers.
  • Now that was a bloody race. Awesome Gav.
  • Thats a great lust Gav. Nice
    Live, PSN & WiiU: Yippeekiyey
  • davyK
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    Splendid lists all round. I found Dreamcast and Wii the toughest to choose for.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • @I_R nice to see some love for Driver, definitely my runner up for PSOne
    オレノナハ エラー ダ
  • @afgavinstan as above regarding Outrun 2
    オレノナハ エラー ダ
  • Now THAT was an awesome race Gav. Friday Night Forza is just the best
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Cheers all. I really implore anyone on the fence about Forza Horizon, or even the One, watch the first 2m30s of that vid. My heart was racing at the end.
  • One for each console/gaming machine I've owned or has been in a house I've lived in.

    Atari 2600


    Just about the purest gaming experience there is. Proper old school arcade game that just got progressively faster until you were completely in the zone.

    Amstrad CPC 464

    Spy Hunter

    Another arcade port and a damn good one too.

    Commodore 64

    International Karate +

    Such simple gameplay, executed perfectly.


    Super Mario Bros. 3

    Still the best 2D platformer of all time and Nintendo at their best. Could never get bored playing this game.

    Game Boy


    Arguably the best game of all time and arguably the best port of all time.

    Mega Drive

    Streets of Rage II

    The pinnacle of the genre. It was downhill from here.


    Super Mario World

    Another masterpiece from Nintendo.


    Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha

    Dismissed because of the switch to 3D models that didn't look as good as the VF2/T3 models. This is a fantastic Street Fighter game that plays on a 2D plane and introduced many things that became common in later Street Fighter games. Still has the best Trials/Challenge mode of any SF game too.


    Super Mario 64

    Switched Mario to 3D and absolutely nailed it.

    Playstation 2

    Capcom vs SNK 2

    Huge cast of characters with multiple playstyles. Simply one of the best 2D fighters of all time.

    Game Boy Advance

    Fire Emblem

    My introduction to the series. A fantastic game that can be played over and over.


    Super Smash Bros. Melee

    Fantastic party game? Fantastic competitive fighter? Both. Packed with extra content and never gets boring to play.


    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

    For me, it improved upon everything in the first game and can be played in so many ways. Love it.


    New Super Mario Bros.

    Brought back the 2D Mario games and is a damn good one.



    A great SRPG.

    Playstation 3

    Batman: Arkham Asylum

    The controls were so good, it made you feel like you were Batman.


    Street Fighter IV (Series)

    Brought Vs Fighters and particularly Street Fighter back from the dead and kick started the local tournament scene again. We're now at a point that we're on the Capcom Pro Tour. Many of the close friendships I have today I owe to this game. It's not even my favourite Vs Fighter on the system, but for sentimental value I have to choose it.


    Rogue Legacy

    Thought it would be another throwaway PS+ game that I'd play for five minutes. Nope. By far my most played game on the system. Perfect example of "Just one more go."

    Playstation 4

    Street Fighter V

    Despite all the bullshit from Capcom, it is a damn fine fighting game.


    X-Com: Terror from the Deep

    Probably the easiest pick on the list for me. Improves on the original and is endlessly replayable.
  • Haven't seen anyone mention No More Heroes for Wii (it's where I got my avatar from).

    It's completely batshit crazy, plus it used the Wiimote in a few interesting ways. Probably my fave Wii game.

    One day I'll get around to playing the sequel using Dolphin Emulator on my PC.
  • Haven't seen anyone mention No More Heroes for Wii (it's where I got my avatar from).
    Pay closer attention then. ;)
  • Completely forgot about the Wii and WiiU.


    Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars

    My favourite game in the Marvel style Vs series. Had a really good fighting engine, and would have been far more popular if it wasn't a Wii exclusive.


    Super Smash Bros. 4

    A huge return to form after the massively disappointing Brawl.
  • Haven't seen anyone mention No More Heroes for Wii (it's where I got my avatar from).

    It's completely batshit crazy, plus it used the Wiimote in a few interesting ways. Probably my fave Wii game.

    One day I'll get around to playing the sequel using Dolphin Emulator on my PC.

    Was a great game, the sequel is much better imo.
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