Invisible Inc. (PC and now PS4)
  • Tempy wrote:
    More authored levels would be fun, but you can tweak lots of the variables - so you can make the campaign doubly long if you want, or even Endless.
    Yeah, there are plenty of ways to play it. Perhaps even if different locations had more of a distinct design and specific features it would be better.

    I dunno, it's like they've put together this brilliant set of game rules and not done quite enough with it.

    Edit: Obviously it might keep me going for a good while still.
  • Yeah I can see that. I had a brief but intense session with it when it came out, but the difference between Corps aren't quite cool enough. A higher degree of detachment between Physical/Cyber security in the different Corps would have been a nice way of capitalising on this, mirroring Netrunner a little: a Corp with useless guards but beefy cyber security would have been cool, so would have a higher focus on Robots and lower Cyber (thematically it'd make sense to have less hackable shite if your facility was guarded with hackable drones...)
  • Been playing this a lot this week. Failed to crack experienced difficulty a couple of times (once reaching the end mission and everything going tits up), and have now started again with the DLC included (it comes free with the console version). It basically makes the campaign longer and keeps the difficulty rising even more.

    I think it's quite brilliant really, but at the same time it's probably the most stressful game I've ever played. Almost every level is on a knife edge, and when the difficulty ramps up later on it's an amazing rush (in a slow paced strategy game!) to get everyone out alive.

    Love it, but will need to play something more relaxing at some point.
  • Huzzah!


    Time attack done. Only 2 mins per turn, so lots of quick planning.

    Particularly satisfying after I nearly fucked it in the early stages of that run. By this point one of my agents has already had to escape after being cornered and the other is surrounded by drones and guards with no power to hack anything. Yet I had just managed to grab a keycard, giving me a way out, and somehow a gap emerged (probably won't mean a lot if you've not played it):

  • Expert mode with 0 rewinds now:


    Still another 7 trophies to get, but some of them look so hard. Getting through 20 days in endless mode, for example... I couldn't manage 5 last time I tried.
  • Could really do with a patch on this though. Some pretty major bugs emerge when you play it quite a bit.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    what kinda stuff?
  • You've been nailing this Jon, making me want to go back to it. Have been ploughing hours into Darkrst Dungeon for my rogue style fix. Really enjoying it, but it is absurdly long.
  • acemuzzy wrote:
    what kinda stuff?
    It all starts to stutter a bit after a while. The lag can be quite irritating, especially in time attack mode. Reading around, it seems the longer you keep playing in a session the worse it gets, so you need to close the game and restart it sometimes.

    It's also crashed a few times at the end of a mission and fucked that save up. Fortunately it's always been when I've lost an agent anyway, so often would've started again.

    A bigger thing I just noticed yesterday is that when you use the DLC characters, they don't start with the augments they're supposed to, which means they're not worth using.

    This is all the PS4 version BTW - the PC one has been out ages and had patches already.
  • OK, so here's a thing I've only just noticed that would've made some of these trophies a lot easier. Turns out you can put the number of rewinds as high as 99 and it still counts. Never tried it before because if you change any other setting it automatically switches to custom mode, and I assumed thus would be the same. Oops.

    Still, might make some of those other trophies possible now.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    I now have this and it's all your fault

    Any coop mode or anything?
  • Huzzah.

    No co-op though - not sure how it would work anyway.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Completed my first mission!  Obviously plenty I don't understand at the mo though, but it seems kinda fun.  Questions:
     - The whole "it gets harder after five moves" thing, is there any way to see in advance what's gonna change?  
     - I've done 10 hours of the 72.  Is that 72 hours a kind of mini campaign, that I can restart and is different each time?  Or the same each time (but I can choose different routes through different levels)?  
     - I didn't manage the bonus objective - how costly is that likely to be?
     - Any downside to knocking people out, beyond them being a bit peeved when they wake up?  Any way to kill them rather than sending them to sleep?
     - Dudes that I rescue in this 72 hours, are they lost again for the next?  Or is that somehow persistent between mini-campaigns??
     - I used one rewind, but it went back to the beginning of the previous go, rather than the one I was midway through, which seemed a bit odd.  Any way to just undo the moves your midway through??

    I'm assuming experience/expert is batshit mental, so will be staying away for now!
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    What's this "DLC makes the campaign harder" chat?  Is that optional?  How do I (de)activate?!
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Also - I've got a choice of mission 2 - looks like new agent vs cash vs science vs something else... any obviously more sensible than the others? How do I even use cash?? I got some upgrade points to ponder too - that's an independent choice per agent, right, not a total to spend across all of them??
  • I bought this at the weekend on PS4. 
    The DLC was off by default. 

    Avoiding guards seems to be preferable to knocking them out. Knocking them out is definitely preferable to killing them. When you kill a guard their heart monitor tells the facility they are dead and the alert levels IMMEDIATELY jumps up. 

    I think the rewind goes back a certain amount of turns (5 i think). 

    The other questions or in fact all of them are best answered by the PC knobs or JonB.

    Re CASH.
    It can be used in mission to buy new gear or abilities from unlocked consoles or it can be used post mission to level up agent attributes. Money is a total across all agents. Not each.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Ta. I thought there were two types of currency? Is there just the one (credits), no "xp"?
  • Yeah, there's only 1 currency, that you can use for upgrading agents or buying stuff from certain vending machines in the missions.

    Knocking out guards on lower difficulties is only problematic in that when they wake up they'll be searching for you, rather than sticking to a simple patrol route. When you've KO'd a guard you can pin them to stop them from waking up, and even drag them around with you, but your movement is heavily reduced.

    If you want to rewind your current turn then all you can do really is end turn and then rewind on your next go. You can skip watching the opposition's moves by pressing options.

    The changes at higher alarm levels are always the same (but depend on difficulty level), so you get used to them. The first is always more cameras activating, but I think it's delayed till alarm level 2 on Beginner.

    Each play through in campaign mode involves surviving for 72 hours then an end game. The idea is to prepare as best you can in the 72 hours, which can be done in various ways. The missions are all random and there are various mission types which will help you in different ways.

    At the end of each attempt you'll get XP which goes towards unlocking new characters and programmes that you'll be able to choose to start with from then on. But each time you start from scratch.

    The DLC extends the campaign with new missions (and new characters, items etc.), and makes things much tougher in the later stages. You activate it from the main menu screen at the start (it's off by default until you do), but don't bother at this point.
  • Some general early tips:

    Get into the habit of closing doors behind you
    Don't forget you can sprint - extends movement range but makes noise
    When you see a guard, use 'observe' to get an idea which direction he's heading next
    Try and get in cover at the end of each turn
    Try and rescue at least one more agent (detention centre missions)
    Try and get weapons and augments that have armour piercing
    Any character with anarchy level 2 or more can steal from guards by standing next to them

    Edit: Oh, and try and explore the whole of each level and rob all the safes, but don't worry about leaving one or two if they're in particularly awkward places
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Nice one! Not sure if there was a vending machine and I missed it, or not one in that level, but all very useful stuff to know!

    Rescuing someone means three agents from then on, does it? But not when you restart the 72h? And what if an agent dies?? Do you always restart with two?

    Finally - sensible to send them on different directions at mission start, or keep them together? Guess it depends on circumstances...
  • I think the safes and vending machines were in mission 2 onwards - I've done three or four missions.
    Yes rescuing a agent makes them available from then on - don't know about next playthru - From what Jon says you can buy agents after the end game?

    In my first mission with three agents the one I rescued had no items etc... (I hadnt bought any) but I had to stun a guard in the first room, knowing he wake up before I completed it I just used the third agent (with no kit) to sit on the guard for the entire mission and keep him sleepytime, while the other two ran off and did the level.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • You always start with 2 agents. The XP you get at the end of a game just unlocks more starting choices. 

    Agents don't actually die in missions, but are captured if you leave one behind. When an agent is down you can revive them with a medi-pack or even try and drag them to the exit.
    acemuzzy wrote:
    Finally - sensible to send them on different directions at mission start, or keep them together? Guess it depends on circumstances...
    It's a balance either way - split up and it's harder to deal with guards, stay together and it takes longer to explore, increasing the alarm more.

    I generally split them up, to avoid the higher alarm levels.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    So I fucked up in mission two (too much sprinting!  you can get heard through walls :-(, and then a door opened :-().  So, ahem, yeah, lessons learnt.  I can retry from that level though - is that repeatedly?  And my five rewinds (I know I can do a higher number if I want, but that's what I've got on this campaign, and I guess _some_ challenge is useful!), they're reset per level by the looks of it, right?
  • You can keep retrying missions in Beginner level, although it generates a new layout. And rewinds are per mission.

    It's tempting to have more rewinds but it does spoil it a bit. In a way I'm glad I didn't notice you could change it until after I'd done experienced and expert on the default settings. I had quite a few failures but the tension that builds is amazing.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Yeah you could kinda brute-force it with loads of rewinds I imagine.  Will stick at 5 for now.  Ta!
  • Just done expert mode with the DLC on. Gave myself 5 rewinds, which turned out to be about right. Think I used them all on a couple of missions.

    Only got 2 more trophies before platinum now - Expert plus with DLC on, and survive 20 days (!!!) in endless mode with DLC on. Will probably will increase the rewinds for those.
  • Finally a patch has appeared for thie PS4 version. Hopefully runs nice and smoothly now.
  • Cool I'll go back to it now.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    A cunning time for me to have jumped in and then jumped out again then eh?
  • There:


    I'll stop playing this now. The 20 day trophy was kind of draining, and it was a bit of a slog after that. Had fun with it for about 2 months though.

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