The Crew
  • Decided to just dirt spec my Nissan that I started with and save the cash.

    I'm going to have to adjust the steering sensitivity for Vita remote play. Also I can't find out how to change the camera on remote play either! Other than that it worked nicely even online.

    I'm liking the size and scope of the map. It has genuine character and feels great to drive through. Got all the way up to the top right hand corner of the map last night.
    The Forum Herald™
  • The off road handling clicked with me earlier, on a trip from Detroit to the Northern Rockies. Throwing my Dirt Spec Focus around dirt roads was so much fun that I actually found myself disappointed when the GPS led me back on to traditional roads.

    Then I picked up a Z4 for road races, doing it up for Street Spec (eventually going to use it for Performance Spec, once unlocked) and finding just how much grippier it is. The various handling models for different cars/specs are fantastic once you tailor it to your tastes, and the game really shows how diverse it can be. I only hope the missions show themselves to be of the same quality, but I reckon that's a fool's hope.
  • Have you opened up the multiplayer hot spots yet?

    The off roading is rather good. It's got a good rally feel to it.
    The Forum Herald™
  • Ski Jump...all the best folk hang out there!
  • Bob wrote:
    Have you opened up the multiplayer hot spots yet? The off roading is rather good. It's got a good rally feel to it.
    The PVP lobbies? They're on there (opened at level 10, if I remember from the beta) but haven't bothered checking any out yet. I'm having too much fun just driving around.

    On a side note: I absolutely despise the chase missions. Most of them are too difficult on first go, as your prey just gets way too far ahead and turns on a dime, leaving you with no time to catch up. Very unfair. And when you're the one being chased? Fuck that shit, the effort it takes just to get out of their radius is ridiculous, then you have to wait 30 seconds until the mission ends - often that doesn't work because another pursuer spawns ahead of you!

    This game really does have a love/hate thing going for it.
  • Yeah the chase missions need some serious balancing
    The Forum Herald™
  • So This eurogamer review seems quite positive, kind of swaying me now.
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • I'm still enjoying it.. it often takes a few goes to connect on starting up and there doesn't appear to be much social interaction unfortunately. I often choose co-op only to be informed theres either no players available or no one wants to play..and very rarely receive any requests to join other players.

    Plugging away at the campaign. Unlocked the third type of vehicle and still using my original 370.
    The Forum Herald™
  • If I want a quick go, I'll always fore up Driveclub. But I do play The Crew just to go on a virtual road trip with other drivers. Haven't played any missions beyond the initial prologue yet, though. Can't be arsed with them! I just want to see the world...
  • The career has all gone a bit grindy.. I've gotten to level 30. The next story mission, and there's only one available, is level 35.

    Of course I could do some multiplayer.. but unless you get 8 people it wont seem to start.
    The Forum Herald™
  • Did one of the non-story long races last night. The AI is hilarious. Literally causing multiple pile ups all over the place.
    The Forum Herald™
  • This game houses both the very best, and very worst, of racing games. It has so many problems: horribly unbalanced mission difficulty levels, inconsistent physics, horrid AI, some of the worst rubber-banding I've ever seen, and many, many more.

    But I just don't care.

    Because when it clicks, mainly during freeroam, it's just a joy to drive around. The handling strikes a nice balance between arcade and something akin to the exaggerated realism of PGR or Grid, each car feels different, each car spec feels markedly different, it looks great at times (even if it's hardly "next gen" in terms of raw visual grunt) and impromptu races/chases/cruises with randoms/crew mates just adds something that no other racer has managed this well.

    And let's not forget the ridiculously large map, full of missions, data stations, challenges and all manner of collectible gubbins to keep the game alive for a long time.
  • The chase/crash missions never get any better. Or less annoying.

    As you say mostly driving about unlocking new areas and finding car parts/locations is the best bit.

    Still knocking on with the story. I'm a V4 now. Bizarrely after the grinding to get to 35 I'm now kind of over powered for the rest.

    It deffo needed a lot more polishing.
    The Forum Herald™
  • I just like finding other folk driving around and get a road trip going with them. I don't give a rats arse about the story any more. Too much sight seeing to do!
  • Nobody wants to do any story missions.

    I can afford an Aston Martin now though.
    The Forum Herald™
  • I can afford a Ford Focus! Oh, I see your point!
  • I got an Aston with my 100k Crew Credits, but only just hit level 20 so it's finally got a Performance category upgrade. Unfortunately it also happened at the same time some morons were purposefully ramming people off the road on a certain stretch of highway, so I had to quickly free travel to a point further down the way.
  • I still have my crew credits. What are they for?
    The Forum Herald™
  • You can buy things with either the in game currency or Crew Credits but to top up Crew Credits you need real money.
  • Aye, you can choose to spend CC instead of $, which often means you can afford stuff that'd normally be way too pricey!
  • But you never earn any crew credits? Once they are gone it's buy em or nothing?
    The Forum Herald™
  • You do get more sometimes, though I'm not sure what the criteria is for earning them.
  • Circuit spec unlocked!
    The Forum Herald™
  • Curtis
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    £24.99 at Game.
  • Totally done with the missions on this, I just can't be bothered. There are times I can't believe it was actually tested.

    It's such a shame as there's so much fun to be had in freeroam, if only that could have somehow translated to the mission design.
  • They do have there problems. I wouldn't mind if they where actually interesting but apart from bashing cars and checkpoint racing there's nothing remotely new or interesting.

    The offroad (not dirt track but actual no road at all) physics are awful with the car seemingly bouncing around at random.

    Finally worked out how to ask people to join my crew but the social side of it is totally dead (presumably unless you have friends) as no invites to join crews or missions ever come through and no one ever accepts anyway.

    I'm level 45. Still have the same one car and must be getting near the end of the story now so I'll plough on...
    The Forum Herald™
  • I'm about level 29 and have about five cars, have tried some crew co-op with a friend, tried the PvP (which takes an age to find games, as very few are actually playing) and generally had plenty of time driving around the map. I've got my money's worth, may keep it a little longer for freeroamy goodness but otherwise I've given up on it.
  • Yeah I've enjoyed the free driving and finding landmarks.. it's obviously bombed at retails. Game are selling it for £22.50 this week so I guess there may be a few new players. Probably not worth selling it now.

    I've filled in most of the map and I think I've found all the radio masts (unless there's a trophy)
    The Forum Herald™
  • I'd imagine that DriveClub and Forza Horizon 2 will have wiped out most potential sales of this. I'd wager that of all the consoles, it will have sold reasonably well on PS3 but have been largely ignored on other platforms. The PS4 will have picked up some sales, but any Bone owner who picked this over FH2 needs their head examined.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Yup, I don't think I've seen one single person playing this on my friend's list. A shame, the concept is appealing but the execution does deter.
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