3DS or Vita or what?
  • You should realistically consider the price of the vita as vita + mem card. The vita itself, I reckon, is/was underpriced for the hw inside and subsidised somewhat by proprietory memory. In some ways it is a bit like the apple model and it also gives you a choice.

    Yes 40 quid for a 32gb mem card is expensive but combined with the vita price it's probably worth it.
  • I'm really not sure now. I think I want to want a Vita, but it seems under-supported, or would go for a 3DS if it were cheaper.

    Perhaps I should get a 2DS. :D
  • I wouldn't worry about under supported, I have a ton of games on 2 x 64gb cards, and I only get the decent stuff. It wouldn't overly bother me if they stopped there.
  • Yeah, I think the concern might be that they discontinue the store relatively soon, if they brought out a new handheld. Then again, the compatibility with PS4 has to be worth keeping it going for a while, I'd have thought.

    Otherwise that pack with 5 games, plus Persona 4 and a small additional memory card for some downloads of older games would probably do me for a year at least. I could always get a larger card later.
  • Don't forget you don't need to download all five games.

    And you Prob don't need them all simultaneously. Fwiw I thing 16 gb is the minimum usable size. I think some packs are 16gb.
  • There's still a lot for PSP on the store, wouldn't worry about it. At least, last time I looked - I tend to be on the JP one more, definitely is there.
  • AJ wrote:
    JXD S7800B.
    This. Definitely this. Or a S5800, if you want the extra portability.

    Did you go for a JXD in the end AJ?

    3DS or Vita, certainly not a clear cut answer.  Probably Vita if you haven't got a home console with access to PSN games, wait for one of the new 3DS consoles if you have (might as well not limit yourself to 3DS games as it's unclear how much first party development will shift over to the 3.5DS).  Fire Emblem is a near enough perfect game, nothing touches it on Vita.
  • Btw I picked up an OG Vita in perfect condition with two games and an 8gb memory card for £90 on Ebay.  They're built well.
  • Not much coming out on Vita is there? And not much already out that you can't just play elsewhere.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • 3DSxl is a lovely bit of kit, but I haven't touched mine in months. Fire Emblem is amazing, but nothing else appeals much. I think I'd love Ninty Soccerball but I haven't picked it up (yet).
  • That monster hunter/attack on titan/god eater thing 'freedom wars' on vita looks pretty good.
  • There's a Sony streamed event due in December. Might be an indication of what they themselves and third parties have in the pipeline for the Vita before you decide. Could just be all about the Ps4 however.

    I'd recommend the Vita as is though. There's a fair amount of quality games on there already and it's a sexy piece of tech. 3DS looks to be a great option too, but I've not taken the plunge yet (waiting on the often rumoured MaJora's Mask remaster) so can't directly compare.
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    AJ wrote:
    JXD S7800B.
    This. Definitely this. Or a S5800, if you want the extra portability.

    Did you go for a JXD in the end AJ?

    No, I got a PSP 'cause it was half the price and did most of the things (i.e.emulation) I wanted it for, at the time. I've been kind of regretting it, though, and a JXD is almost certainly my next tech purchase, the amount of stuff I've got for them through Humble really cemented it.
  • Do the humble bundle games work on the jxd then? Is there a way I could play super meat boy or Trials on it? I've only used it for emulators so far.
  • I think he's referring to the humble bundle for android...

    I agree with others, a direct comparison is difficult.
    I've owned both but sold my 3ds after losing patience for some decent games to arrive.
    The Vita is a great piece of gear, the controls are nice, the screen is lovely and the touch screen is very well implemented.
    The Vita has a more premium feel and I would argue that stretches to the games but ultimately, if the pull of Nintendo games is strong this whole conversation is moot.
  • Aye, I'm talking about the Android games; massive eff off list of them I've got and nothing to play them on.
  • Forgot it did the Android stuff.  There's a game called Trials Frontier on there but it looks like a half-arsed mix of MotoHeroz and Trials HD, I'll stick with Urban Trials Freestyle on Vita for now.
  • Oh and obviously if you're waiting for more info on Vita this December, wait tip the New 3DS/XLs are out too. Plays all the old DS and 3DS games but will also be getting some new games for it. Like Xenoblade.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
  • More importantly, it'll track your eyes and adjust the 3D to be less shit, too.
  • Being a Nintendo fan isn't cheap but you're paying for quality. Saying that, Persona 4 is staggering and Pixel junk Monsters is the best and most addictive tower defence game bar none. If you've also got a PlayStation, PS+ is pretty good value.
  • I never use the 3D shite. Every once in a while I turn it on and go "oo it's like living in the future", then two minutes later get pissed off and turn it off again.
  • JonB wrote:
    At the moment the big plus for 3DS for me is that it has Fire Emblem.

    Add on DLC & lunatic mode, &  you may not play/need to buy some thing else for a very, very, long time.  Game is not only the best handheld strategy game I have ever played, but also one of the best games I have ever played.  I know you are a fan of the series, you are missing out on the crown jewel of the series.

    I own both, prefer the 3DS by miles. 2nd hand XL's, heck, even new XL's will drop in price again, when the newer XL lands next year, so that along with rinsing the fuck out of FE should help with the cost vibe.
  • Also 2nd shouts for Fantasy Life(level 5 perfection) and Nintendo pocket football.  Those along with FE could keep you going for a year at least, if not over.
  • This thread is basically everyone (metaphorically) sucking JohnB off, in an attempt to convince him to buy their preferred machine, and it illustrates just how good both of them actually are.

    I don't think it's possible to go wrong either way. Personally, if I was making the choice I'd do up a detailed pros and cons list and just go with the outcome.
  • I'm not trying to convince him of anything, I just like being all hipster and contrary.
  • Aye contrary, but you never struck me as a hipster. 

    Maybe it's the avatar.
  • One of the things the avatar indicates is that I like to be sardonic.
  • Skondo wrote:
    They are both great machines, but the 3DS has a far superior selection of exclusives. In my opinion the best thing on Vita is Persona 4 Golden. On 3DS is it Ocarina of Time, Mario Land, Mario Kart, Fire Emblem or Animal Crossing? A Link between Worlds is just wonderful too. So I would say 3DS, but it would make sense to wait for the new one.

    The Vita also has Tearaway, Wipeout, Katamari and Gravity Rush. I've lost hours to Treasures of Montezuma Blitz too, which isn't immediately obvious.

    If you like jrpgs, there is around a million to choose from, though Disgaea is the only one I have.
  • Yup me too, not that my avatar is indicative of such.
  • If you like srpg titles like Fire Emblem let it be known that 3DS has Project Steam out next year. Same development team as fire emblem and advance wars.

    In the interest of balance, vita has disgaea (vita and psp titles), Valkyria chronicles 2 (psp) and tactics ogre (psp).

    So basically the only wrong answer is not owning one of the systems at least.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett

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