Current Affairs
  • By the time enough hoops have been jumped through to define and measure Intelligence with sufficient granularity to mean anything there are several more convincing explanations for human outcomes instead, such that pursuing still IQ etc probably means you're a weirdo and scumbag that's looking for reasons to not help people.
  • Kow
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    Long arms are good for law.
  • That's what I'd heard.
  • I still think the lawyer in Arrested Development had the best character name ever.
  • Why should you go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?
  • Should have used that as the tag line of his law blog.

    Edit: oh, forgot this: *closes book*
  • JRPC wrote:
    OK so this has been a fairly maddening conversion. Ill try to do a second post to make clear my opinions about race and IQ and all that stuff. I thought they had been, but apparently I thought wrong. Firstly though, a post-mortem of Bell Curve-gate. Now this is heavily abridged to preserve peoples sanity and I’ve tried to stick to what I see as what’s been the main narrative thrust here. There was obviously more going on that just this. What I’m trying to do here is give you a sense of what it’s been like to be me during this exchange. 1. In a conversation about Noam Chomsky, Goober outs me as a Sam Harris fan. I am now tied to Harris forever more. 2. People say bad things about Sam Harris, to whom I am now tied. 3. I say I’d be quite happy to not talk about Chomski or Harris anymore. 4. I say something about not all religions being equally bad and I am labeled a racist. I am now a racist forever more. 5. There are links to a couple of what I consider to be totally trash articles defaming Harris for being a racist (note: these articles have nothing to do with The Bell Curve). 6. Hunk points out that Harris, to whom I am now tied, endorses The Bell Curve and people start talking about Harris and the Bell Curve. 7. I say that I am not going to defend The Bell Curve and post a video of Prof Pinker, who knows far more about this stuff than all of us combined, talking about race and IQ and I suggest he should be listened to. 8. I respond to a post pointing out that Pinker (and Harris for that matter) is not saying that IQ is “100% genetic” and another pointing out that IQ has been shown to strongly correlate with success. In the same post I point out that you can infer nothing at all about someone’s IQ from their race. 9. I grant that the motives of the authors of The Bell Curve may well have been the worst imaginable, but whatever ultimately turns out to be the truth about race and IQ is the truth regardless or where it comes from. 10. Hunk totally misrepresents this as me ‘buying into the rhetoric of the Bell Curve’ 11. In response to Face I make a point about it being better to face difficult truths rather than ignoring them as this leaves the bad guys to interpret them as they wish. I think this is an important point. 12. Right, then there’s a key post from Face for two reasons: a) He says “I'm taking the liberty here of assuming you and Harris are in lockstep with your thinking” when I have already said that I am not trying to defend the Bell Curve. b) He then first expresses a confused idea about genetics, that because traits like intelligence have both genetic and environmental factors then you can’t say anything definitive about them. “it seems to me clear that this isn't the sort of science you can talk about as simple true/false, Facts or not. Every step has too much subjectivity”. Does it indeed? 13. Face posts a ”mic drop” link refuting The Bell Curve, seemingly directed at me despite me saying that I wasn’t defending The Bell Curve. 14. I say that I am not defending The Bell Curve but then I do say that I believe there is a genetic element to IQ. 15. Tin downplays the usefulness of IQ and calls “any conversation about it is spurious bullshit”. I reply by pointing out a couple of hastily googled examples of some practical uses of IQ in his own field (I believe) of doctoring (I would have written a different response to this in retrospect). I again agree that IQ and race plays nicely into the hands of right-wingers and so there is a need to grapple with it honestly. I post a video that I agree with, conceding that there are some facts that could be socially harmful to know and that we must question the motives of those who want to find out. 16. Face quotes himself again (an annoying habit - if it didn’t help the first time it’s unlikely to the second or third) implying that I am ignoring linked articles that refute The Bell Curve despite me saying on multiple occasions that I am not defending The Bell Curve. 17. Face posts a wall of copied text from the same linked articles refuting the Bell Curve in response to something I’ve said. I ask him why and point out again that I have not been defending The Bell Curve. 18. Face tells me that ‘the onus is on me’ to explain the funding of The Bell Curve. 19. I tell face that I am not defending The Bell Curve. 20. Stoph tells Face that he has ‘a seamlessly endless amount of patience’ and I want to shoot myself in the head. 21. Face continues to demonstrate a clear confusion about how genetics work and in an attempt to clarify he posts his previous response verbatim, for the third time. 22. Everyone tells Face how totally awesome he is and how he has totally nailed me on this.  That is pretty much my experience of how this has gone. There’s stuff I’m not including, obviously. Towards the end I guess a made some accusations about a political/ethical bias here. I do stand by that but it’s a different point really. Wnv1Ze6.gif

    Can't wait for this second post that's going to explain everything. Hope you don't get sidetracked into some besides-the-point guff about who said what and when. 

    Can you include an answer as to whether you think the lower IQ scores of British Caribbean people is 80% due to their genetics as you suggested earlier in the thread thanks.

    Edited after some thought: Don't bother responding to this question. It's deliberately inflammatory.
  • JRPC wrote:
    Just found a New Scientist article claiming that current estimates are that about 80% of intelligence (and that intelligence broadly mind you, not just IQ) is genetic in basis. I’m quite happy to take that on face value. Sounds close enough.   How much do you want to bet me that an 80% heritable trait is going to come out perfectly equal across all racial groups? What do you think the odds are of that actually being the case?

    This is the quote I'm referencing btw. 

    "Oh it wasn't me, it was New Scientist"

    Was it this New scientist article because it isn't saying what you're suggesting it is.
    More than 500 genes associated with intelligence have been identified in the largest study of its kind.
    Researchers used data from the UK Biobank, comparing DNA variants from more than 240,000 people. Their analysis identified 538 genes linked to intellectual ability, and 187 regions of the human genome that are associated with thinking skills. Some of these genes are also linked to other biological processes, including living longer.
    However, even with all these genes, it’s still difficult to predict a person’s intelligence from their genomes. When they analysed the DNA of a group of different people, the team were only able to predict 7 per cent of the intelligence differences between those people.

    It is thought that around 50 to 80 per cent of variation in general intelligence between people is down to genetics. But environment plays a role too. Well-nourished children brought up in safe, unpolluted and stimulating environments score better in IQ tests than deprived children, for instance.
  • Unlikely wrote:
    Read that as "beard shit was going down" and am now feeling faintly disappointed.

    Just found this open in another tab, that I'd intended to respond with.

  • My mum says I'm intelligent.

    Me too.
  • Said you were a shite ride too. Smart woman.
  • Said you were a shite ride too. Smart woman.

    At least it was over quickly though.
  • @jrpc
    You've never really clarified on where you stand in the discussion, just that you're with camp Harris. No wonder there is lots of confusion in the discussion.

    Over the last 9 pages, so far I've deduced you to believe in the genetic component of IQ and that you believe this to be an intrinsic factor differing between races that causes whites to score better at IQ tests? You don't side with Murray and the bell curve, you've stated as much but like Harris you believe political correct taboos need to be torn down. Is it therefore okay to give a thumbs up to white supremacist funded research? Because science is science whoever funds the research.

    Not trying to bait you, just curious as to your reasoning.
    Steam: Ruffnekk
    Windows Live: mr of unlocking
    Fightcade2: mrofunlocking
  • Said you were a shite ride too. Smart woman.

    Still made her pregnant, passing on my IQ genes to help the Gav gaff
  • Is Willie Soon's research into climate change more or less believable if it was funded by Big Oil?

    I think the intent of the scientists and their backers is crucial. It's so easy to misrepresent things, deliberately or just through a natural tendency to look for evidence that supports your views. Same is true on all sides of the debate btw.

    So no, science isn't just science, depending on the biases or other influences the work can be meaningless. If nothing else it needs to be scrutinised more. That said bad intentions don't automatically make the science bad either.
  • If only there were some research on the influence of funding on research findings. Oh wait, there is.

    Eg see sources cited
  • But who funded that research? ;)
  • And that is on medical research, where interpretation plays less of a role. In something like the bell curve, where drive is everything (eg the point made earlier about drop out rates in affirmative action placements), it's much easier to skew the research so it accords with what the funders quite openly seek, and what the researchers are ideologically tilted towards anyway. It's laughable - but not untypical of fundamentalist Harris fanboys - to say "science is science". It's really the same as saying "everything clinton says about his motivations for bombing a pharmaceutical factory is true" or "everything mark regev says about Israel's motivations when shooting children is true". People like that, absent some damascene moment, are beyond help.
  • The problem with trying to have a Damascene moment is that there’s a high likelyhood of being blown to bits in a completely justified western drone strike.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • WorKid wrote:
    But who funded that research? ;)
    Where's gman's inception gif when I need it
  • Gremill wrote:
    The problem with trying to have a Damascene moment is that there’s a high likelyhood of being blown to bits in a completely justified western drone strike.

    That or have more empathy, works for me

  • legaldinho wrote:
    WorKid wrote:
    But who funded that research? ;)
    Where's gman's inception gif when I need it

    Oh there it is

  • I don't think JR had bad intentions but It feels like the discussion is impossible because what's being argued over is - at least as far as I can comprehend - the right to agree that there is a genetic element to intelligence without the connotations of racism that brings, because that has to be acknowledged in order to combat its use by the political right.

    It's a ghost of a concept, caveats begetting caveats. All I can glean from the rebuttal post is what is *not* being discussed, which is The Bell Curve, but I am at a loss as to what *is* being discussed other than that absence followed by everyone (myself guitly too) chipping in.

    Honestly at this point I think it's beyond salvaging in this thread, and the only constructive way forward is a proper back and forth between two sides, with an actual premise to argue over, and time for people to research instead of people giving their reckons on either side.

    He says, giving a reckon.

    Anyway I only posted this because I always find myself more inclined to read these things when there's debates on here. I don't want to see a popcorn.gif pile on myself, I see little merit in that.

    There is entirely a kernel of truth in the idea that the stuff the right trots out should be engaged with in some capacity as that is the idea that underpins most of the youtube stuff that I watch. I just don't think the rolling nature of this thread has made that possible in any decent way.
  • I think you are right there Tempy.

    Perhaps the best course is a general genetics thread with "intelligence in genes" as an opening discussion.
    It has all got a bit messy in here and while it started current affairs it has moved on to something a bit deeper really.
  • I also want to read what Gonz and Cinty have to say about one Jordan B. Peterson, as I am the guilty snake who sent Face the Current Affairs article on him.
  • I like Peterson.

    /raises battlefists.

    EDIT: Ah, fuck it. Best not even joke, I suppose. Haven't read anything by him whatsoever but I enjoyed the Channel 4 stuff and a few other videos of him being all articulate and shouty.
  • Yeah I watched one of his vids one time and now I get recommended stuff from places I'm kinda not with. Dunno where he lies on the Cool Guy-Dumpster Fire scale.

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