Ducktales Remastered! August 13-15 & Sept 11.
  • Release date (Europe)


    PC Digital Download: August 13
    PlayStation Network: August 14
    Wii U eShop: August 15
    Xbox LIVE Arcade: September 11

    I don't know exactly why the XBLA release is close to a month later, but it's probably related to the Summer Arcade scheduling.

    Also a behind the scenes look

  • Amazing, heard about this a while ago but haven't kept up to date or anything, can anyone tell me if there are options to switch the original music on? any other kind of retro modes? I'm liking the slick HD-ness of this but quite a large part of the appeal was just playing the nes version on my 360. Plus the original soundtrack is burnt onto my brain from childhood (ah the moon level). In fact along with Buky O'Hare and Turtles it's probably one of my all time favourtie nsf files.

    ANYWAY, excite for this - GTA V *and* Duck Tails? Gonna be a sweeeeet September.
  • Someone asked similar questions re original music/game mode, but it's highly unlikely to happen due to legal (& technical) issues.
  • I still think that's one of the best trailers ever. 

    Ducktales, a-woo-ooh!
  • Tiger knows what's up!
  • Gameplay of the Himalayas

  • I'm loving the fact that they got the real Scrooge from the tv-show voicing this again.
  • regmcfly
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    Still no space level shown what are you doing capcom
  • Duckumentary 3: Music (Featuring the Moon theme ;))

    Quite impressive they got the real Scrooge, especially as he's ~90 years old.

    Get HYPE bitches!
  • This looks terribly ugly and boring.
  • beano
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    all the way home.

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    I still don't know what my response is to this. At first it feels all reg-esq and caps. Then it fades. But I'm not against it.

    It's a bit Knighmare.
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • REG!

    Moon theme

  • The mean people at Edge gave it a five!!!!
  • Bunch n00bs!11!! Lolololol

    I played this game to death on Nes (actually one of the few games I could finish), so good to hear the mechanics remain faithful.

    Also, the game composer made new 8-bit versions of all the tunes which can be unlocked after beating it.
  • So, is it easier than MM9?
  • regmcfly
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    Moon theme! I'm a bit pissed off about the £13.49 asking price on WiiU.

  • Olimite
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    Olimite Too

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    I haven't seen one good review of this yet. Has there been one?
  • There are but really all the reviews come down to the fact that Wayforward have remained super faithful to the gameplay/mechanics of the original, which the vast majority of gamers today aren't cut out for/have no time for, so it'll come down to whether you a) really liked the original (like myself) and(/or) b) want to play a Nes era platformer (i.e. difficult, archaic etc) with modern presentation.
  • regmcfly
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    Someone tell me something good about this so I can go spend £14 on it
  • It's Ducktales. A-wooo-ooo.
  • @Reg

    The guys at Screwattack were huge fans of the original. Here's their love...err review of this
  • It's Ducktales. A-wooo-ooo.

    lol :) sold!
  • regmcfly wrote:
    Moon theme! I'm a bit pissed off about the £13.49 asking price on WiiU.
    WTF? Insane.

    Download the original right now for free. Or just don't bother at all.
  • At the risk of sounding bitter, I've always found reviews of WayForward games to be redundant. They are pretty consistent in quality, so I'm personally far more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
  • Has anyone played that Aliens game from them on DS? I don't see myself completing that one without a guide.
  • Moon trailer

    Word is around that this is available now (Psn/Steam/WiiU)
  • This is on Steam. Just started downloading it. 

    Never played the original, but what the heck.
  • Shyam39 wrote:
    There are but really all the reviews come down to the fact that Wayforward have remained super faithful to the gameplay/mechanics of the original, which the vast majority of gamers today aren't cut out for/have no time for, so it'll come down to whether you a) really liked the original (like myself) and(/or) b) want to play a Nes era platformer (i.e. difficult, archaic etc) with modern presentation.

    Seriously, Duck Tales is not hard, especially for a NES game. My friend got it back in the day and we completed it within a few hours. It was the Aladdin of the 8Bit era.

    オレノナハ エラー ダ
  • Seriously, Duck Tales is not hard, especially for a NES game. My friend got it back in the day and we completed it within a few hours. It was the Aladdin of the 8Bit era.

    I agree with you. Incidentally Ducktales was the only NES game I could actually finish back in the day. Came close with Mario Bros.3 but World 7/8 took all my lives. (Screw the whistle). That said, for people who've never played it before, will likely find it difficult (particularly the accuracy required with the pogo-ing. Just check polygon's review; pretty much complains the game is crap, because he's crap at it).
  • I played it for the first time recently in the retro games thread.  It was extremely short I got through it quite quickly - yes, I used save states, but you can still get a feel for the difficulty, and I didn't die much.  Mario Bros 3 is far trickier imo.  Perhaps these games aren't a problem to older gamers because we were raised on 2D platformers - like that SNES/NES/MD game you said your nephew was shit at retrokings, I can't remember what it was, but he's ridiculous at Halo so I was surprised when you said he struggled as I just assumed he'd have the skills.

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