deep down, Capcom (Ps4, F2P)
  • Dubs
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    Liking the precision allowed by the third-person shooter camera there.  I wonder how it handles other weapons.
  • Ono talks details.
    The PS4-exclusive is set in New York during the year 2094, but players will also be travelling back in time.
    “Ravens, a group of people who posses a special ability, are the key [group],” said Ono. “Other than being able to dive into the past, they are able to read the memories of objects and hear voices of the past. The Ravens in New York 2094 go to a certain time period, and use the information they scan there to try to clarify events of the past.
    “As Ravens, players will proceed through dungeons in the past and investigate. There is a theme of ‘emotion’ in this game; there are various dungeons in the past that correspond to the feelings of human emotions. When you read a stone statue and enter a dungeon, things full of past thoughts and grudges are scattered around. If they touch those thoughts, they can read memories of the past.
    “We’re calling Deep Down a memory reading RPG, but these words also sum up the objectives of the game: ‘emotion reading’ or ‘knowing the reality of the past. One of Deep Down‘s selling points are its self-generating dungeons, and how you’ll never enter the same dungeon twice.
    “Well, I say ‘self-generating,’ but the system is not totally random. It’s a regulated random. It’s thanks to the ample memory and operating speed [of PlayStation 4] that this style of game is possible.”
    Visuals will also approach a level of photo-realism, according to Ono, as both weapons and armor will deteriorate and become dirty. Plus, due to the fact PS4′s “operating speed is so fast,” the rust and mold on players’ equipment won’t simply be rendered as textures; instead it will be calculated reflections the players interaction with the world, and one of the reasons behind the game being online only.
    “Deep Down is an online game at its core, and as such an online environment is required, because PlayStation 4 is a new platform with an inseparable online component, we want you to expect an online system with as little resistance as possible,” said Ono.
    “We’re making Deep Down by aggregating the know-how of the ‘online’ segments we’ve cultivated so far. Even if you have only a small amount of time to play, we’re working hard to make sure to keep the tempo and enjoyability up. For those players who feel that online gaming is awkward, Deep Down can also be enjoyed by oneself.
    “First, try playing solo, then when you become accustomed to it, try challenging dungeons together with other Ravens. We do want to lower barriers to play as much as possible. We’ve done as much as we can to create seamless gameplay, and the opportunity to shift naturally back and forth between both solo and multiplayer.
    “Connecting to network is at the heart of the PlayStation 4′s hardware planning so making use of the online component has become very unconscious and easy to do. We will put management and continuation first. Because we want you to continue online play for a long time to come, we’re planning periodic version upgrades and large updates.
    “We will continue to develop and manage at fixed intervals.”
    Ono went on to say that development on PS4 “was easy and precise, and that the things we wanted to do could be implemented relatively quickly.”
    “Even in the trailer released at the February press conference, we could see that coming up with something of quality was quick to do,” he said. “For example, producing something at 60 frames and moving it in real time was relatively simple. That’s when I got it, that with just a little more time how much more we would be able to do.
    “PlayStation 4 is about more than just satisfaction, it’s about feeling the possibilities. I’ve got to hand it to the PlayStation 4 folks for creating a system that’s so easy to work with.”
    The DualShock 4 will even have part to play as its light bar will reflect the game’s “theme of emotion with color.” Players will be able to tell the color of the emotion of the dungeon they are in by looking at it and when Ravens hear “voices from the past,” the sounds won’t come from the TV speakers – but the controller’s internal speakers.
    Ono concluded by stating that the team is looking at using Vita as a way “to relax and play,” and ways in which to use smartphones and tablets as well.
    A beta will be released for the game “soon” after PS4′s release, but just how “soon” Ono wouldn’t say.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • Nice gif.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Subbax
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    Who is that guy? He has a very recognisable face.
    It's a goddamn snoozefest out there.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Teh Wirez
  • New TGS demo. The multiplayer from 7:40 on looks like it could be epic fun:

  • IGN first impressions of the demo. They don't seem too sure what to make of it, but are intrigued at the same time:

  • 2 things from that
    It's really dark
    And he's playing it on a Vita!
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • Kow
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    Looks like utter drivel anyway.
  • Dayum crapcom, this coulda been a contender. 

    I'll update the OP.
  • It'd be good to see a different demo, just the same thing over and over played by over excited japs. Are they trying to make what looks like a decent game shite?! And woah, that was dark.
  • Bollockoff
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    I'm a bit deflated that it seems a directorial reaction to Souls success. Rather than a product of its own gestation.
  • The production values are impressive - dat fire particle wave - but the F2P bit is a proper fucking downer.
  • F2P doesn't have to be the end of interest, as long as the paywalls don't interfere with the game itself. But, I'll admit, as soon as I hear f2p I generally lose interest.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • isanbard
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    3DS 0361-6861-4525

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    F2P on IOS has been a near universal killer for me too.

    I may have to recalibrate a touch for the next about the most hopeful spin I can put on it.
    GT: isanbard PSN: DAQster DS-FC: 0361-6861-4525 AC: Bumdirt
  • Warframe is a decent example of F2P in my experience, so it can still be done without ridiculous IAPs.
  • Someone explain the problem to me, because as far as I can see:

    This now means you are likely to spend more than the forty quid you would have spent if it wasn't F2P = problem. Otherwise, what are you whinging about?
  • Have you phrased that question correctly?
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • Yes. Sort of. If you're going to spend more than forty quid on it now that it is F2P, then I could understand it being a problem.
  • Well, the f2p model normally involves heavy grinding to try and avoid spending money, if you want everything the game has to offer you end up spending more than the game is actually worth.
    In the home console space f2p doesn't have the greatest reputation, so, unless they can get this weighted correctly it will die a death.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • I'd be more worried that they're showing the same demo over and over again this close to release,or is it some way off? Are they showing the same demo in poorly lit corridors before coming up against that 'Dragon' because the whole assassins creed slant on it means its just the representation of one level? The next being somewhere else, sometime else entirely?
  • isanbard
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    3DS 0361-6861-4525

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    Ay. F2p is associated badly with a pay to win system of gouging by the pub/dev that leaves the free player grinding endlessly and forced into a exponential curve of nickel and diming payments that end up in a feeling of self loathing and hatred of the pub/dev. C.f. Zynga.

    It's appearance in mainstream console gaming, outside of established MMO staples, is a ominous sign for the future decline of the current setup. 
    A hat/superficial economy would be an ok system to copy but the threat is of a more constrictive and penny pinching copy being the new norm. More details required. * buy next random dungeon for 99c*
    GT: isanbard PSN: DAQster DS-FC: 0361-6861-4525 AC: Bumdirt
  • Verecocha wrote:
    I'd be more worried that they're showing the same demo over and over again this close to release,or is it some way off?

    It's a way off iirc.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Mod74 wrote:
    You asked for it.

    Who's 'you' again? People who buy second-hand games?
  • People who wouldn't let Microsoft get away with their ludicrously over-complicated draconian system of shite I guess.
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    Not Wii - 3DS: 0146-8922-2426

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    I would explain again but I've done so enough times already if you can't remember try some Berroca or something.

    Enjoy your "Buy Next Dungeon Now" shit.

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