Where next for online MP FPSes? (The next big thing?)
  • A fps based on very realistic physics for weapons and movement would be dull as fuck in my mind.  We'd all move really slowly and die incredibly quickly.

    I recently saw a chart with speed along one axis and kill time along the other, with all the major fps of the last decade plotted along it.  Was interesting to see where we have ended up with cod vs quake, TF, halo, gow, bf and all the others.
    Today is the shadow of tomorrow.
  • Got a link? Or is top secret?
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • It was a work thing, but the person who made it might be happy for me to share, I'll ask.
    Today is the shadow of tomorrow.
  • n0face wrote:
    I find the greatest fun had from a online fps is in the initial period before everybody learns all the lines of sight and you don't know what's round the next corner. The early days of CoD4, BF1943, and BfBc2 all felt like brilliant pitched battles with real panic and flow to the battles. I'd like this to be recreated somehow, perhaps procedural generation.
    That was my experience of L4D. 

    I'd like to see someone go down the procedural route, but I'd guess there would be huge problems in keeping the people who like to camp/learn the map interested and making sure the map was balanced. It might work better as a co-op solution.
  • Mod74 wrote:

    I literally spat my drink when I got to number 4. Modern Warfare 2's campaign is the series pinnacle? Are you fucking kidding me?
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    Well, it was better than 1 and 3, imo.
  • Refused to play MW3 because 2 was fuckawful.

    COD 4 however is a thing of beauty.
  • Bollockoff
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    He's got Bulletstorm on there so I can't knock it too much.
  • True. Must have been drunk when he got to COD. At least L4D is top.
  • That list does a great job of illustrating how divisive the genre is. It's miles away from what I'd think of as a top 10 and I'd guess most people here would come up with completely different lists.
  • Moto70
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    Refused to play MW3 because 2 was fuckawful. COD 4 however is a thing of beauty.
    I_R wrote:
    That list does a great job of illustrating how divisive the genre is. It's miles away from what I'd think of as a top 10 and I'd guess most people here would come up with completely different lists.
    I certainly wouldn't have the same list as that...
  • Facewon wrote:
    Facewon wrote:
    Apart from Splinter Cell's Spies v Mercs, I struggle to think of smaller map MP that doesn't decend into frantic action pretty quickly. .
    The now extinct Halo 2v2 games were on tiny maps and weren't frantic at all when played well. They were very considered, tactical and stand off ish. The weapon balance made it almost like chess and the tactical cohesion was essential to winning.
    I don't know if I'd describe it as being played well. ;) I'll grant you it was a slower pace, and I'll grant you it could be very "considered," but "stand offish" is a dangerous feel to aim for. In both H2 all the way to Reach, I always found 2v2 had a bit of a fun plateau. It'd be fine early as you rinse through muppets, it'd be at it's best ranks 20-30 where it didn't just decend into a camp fest, and then once you cracked 30+ just wake me when it's done. Part of the problem being that if bungie hadn't tweaked the map specifically for 2v2, there was too much reliance on powerweapons. Could definitely be awesome, no doubt, but needed TLC that it didn't always get. FYI: H4 doubles will be in rotation in one of the upcoming weekly updates.

    I'm a die hard 2v2 fan. I found 2v2 at rank 45-50 really good fun. I know alot of people find periods of play with no shots fired dull but i find it adds to the tension - building tension then explosions of action rather than persistent carnage. I also preferred all the smaller maps on h3, 2v2 meant i'd get nothing but my favorite maps. It could mainly be down to the fact that often i'd just be playing with my housemate and we enjoy applying game changing tactics or doing little moves together where as 4v4 you'd often have 2 mindless idiots running in on their own again and again and losing the match. 4v4 if everyone is on the same page is as fun but it didn't happen as much for me.
  • Apart from Splinter Cell's Spies v Mercs, I struggle to think of smaller map MP that doesn't decend into frantic action pretty quickly. .
    The now extinct Halo 2v2 games were on tiny maps and weren't frantic at all when played well. They were very considered, tactical and stand off ish. The weapon balance made it almost like chess and the tactical cohesion was essential to winning.
    I don't know if I'd describe it as being played well. ;) I'll grant you it was a slower pace, and I'll grant you it could be very "considered," but "stand offish" is a dangerous feel to aim for. In both H2 all the way to Reach, I always found 2v2 had a bit of a fun plateau. It'd be fine early as you rinse through muppets, it'd be at it's best ranks 20-30 where it didn't just decend into a camp fest, and then once you cracked 30+ just wake me when it's done. Part of the problem being that if bungie hadn't tweaked the map specifically for 2v2, there was too much reliance on powerweapons. Could definitely be awesome, no doubt, but needed TLC that it didn't always get. FYI: H4 doubles will be in rotation in one of the upcoming weekly updates.
    I'm a die hard 2v2 fan. I found 2v2 at rank 45-50 really good fun. I know alot of people find periods of play with no shots fired dull but i find it adds to the tension - building tension then explosions of action rather than persistent carnage. I also preferred all the smaller maps on h3, 2v2 meant i'd get nothing but my favorite maps. It could mainly be down to the fact that often i'd just be playing with my housemate and we enjoy applying game changing tactics or doing little moves together where as 4v4 you'd often have 2 mindless idiots running in on their own again and again and losing the match. 4v4 if everyone is on the same page is as fun but it didn't happen as much for me.

    Watch H:CE 2v2 being played between the best players. Now that's a 2v2 game that just works. 
    GT: Knight640
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  • I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Ooh.
    Will watch that tomorrow. Cheers Face.
  • I haven't watched any of his videos in ages cos he started blanking me. Petty, but true.
  • He'll forever be tempys mate to me. He's a very pleasant and interesting listen. I went down a YouTube rabbi hole of game critique vids.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Oh snap.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • I have no idea who it is but am Interested in a comment on the place of Splatoon in shootersville.
  • Haha! Yeah. I dunno, he got too busy or too famous, one or the other.
  • I'd quite like to try Splatoon since I instinctively grav toward wandering around doing cunning support stuff more than being a no-scope-leetfuck but I am not buying an entire console for the opportunity.
  • Rabbi hole.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • I'm sure Splatoon also attracts some quantity of racist teenagers but I'm going to imagine Nintendo have made their channel harder to exploit than most can be arsed with.
  • re: rabbi. I didn't miss it
  • Shit, for real Temps? That's a bit fucked.
  • Brooks wrote:
    I'd quite like to try Splatoon since I instinctively grav toward wandering around doing cunning support stuff more than being a no-scope-leetfuck but I am not buying an entire console for the opportunity.
    Sounds about right for yourself, which is much the same as myself on shooters.

  • Shit, for real Temps? That's a bit fucked.

    He still does good vids though according to pals. Truth is I really don't watch a lot of youtube crit these days.
  • Brooks wrote:
    I'm sure Splatoon also attracts some quantity of racist teenagers but I'm going to imagine Nintendo have made their channel harder to exploit than most can be arsed with.

    Vid suggests they've done ok around that.
    I'm still great and you still love it.

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