  • Ok in for this one

    Not cause he made minecraft at all, it was an original idea, he seemed to like it, why not try support someone doing something he believes in doing? Hes gone off the idea, fairly typical in the creative process, he'll go do something else

    Someone who's made a success of themselves in the industry on entirely self perpetuated terms is someone who deserves a bit of support on an endeavour, however they did it, you could argue Molyneux, having done the same thing with Populous many years ago has run short of the patience needed for him after so many empty promises, but this is a new dev and their second high profile project (And first starting in the limelight) and a bit of support seems like the right thing to do.

    I do understand what its like realising a project is a dead end so i think its probs dead in the water and he'll go do something else, i dont think he should be judged for it, hyping it was a bit naive and given momentum from his minecraft success maybe? Anyways your reaction is a typical entitled consumer one, it expects you deserve something because something was popular, it shows no consideraton to someone working mainly as a solo dev who is trying to emulate the success of a very popular game and is maybe inexperienced in the ways of the ole hype machine when straying from an established success

    So, he's had a knock, he thinks his new game ideas kinda lame, he cant see how it can actually be 'fun', and when he tries it turns into a sub-quake goof-fest. I dont think he should have pressure and derision, hes still within his right to go find something that works, its diappointing that the endeavours of a smalltime dev still get hit with the same malign as the missteps of some gargantuan dev who have been fleecing you for years
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    I don't really see why judging future games on a dev's past performance is a bad thing.
  • Well, no, in this case it would be a good thing, youd expect his next project to be pretty sparkly, but on the other hand he should be allowed to drop a project if he becomes disillusioned and be understood, not maligned
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Indeed. Projects get canned for all the time for all sorts of reasons. Why should this be subject to any higher level of approbation than anything else?
  • LazyGunn wrote:
    Well, no, in this case it would be a good thing, youd expect his next project to be pretty sparkly, but on the other hand he should be allowed to drop a project if he becomes disillusioned and be understood, not maligned

    I think his next project to be worthy of interest compared to the next guy but to expect it to be amzing is not quite fair. The molyneux analogy is interesting but misses out themepark, magic carpet and syndicate. PM built up a rep over several games. Until we see otherwise its better to compare the mine raft guy with the Tetris guy.

  • It's definitely reasonable to expect a lot from this purely based on the success of Minecraft, but people also have to remember that even the biggest follow-ups can fail irrespective of talent or previous success. If Notch has realised this early on then it's his choice to abandon it. Hell, many of the best games have seen several iterations before the final release, who's to say this won't do the same?
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    Not Wii - 3DS: 0146-8922-2426

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    I still don't see why anything I've said is entitled.

    And this isn't his follow up game, that will be that card game if it ever gets released.
  • I didn't mention you.
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    Not Wii - 3DS: 0146-8922-2426

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    I was talking to Gunn sorry.
  • Is entitled the right word for buying into the hype for a game by somebody who's output you've previously enjoyed and then being disappointed when it falls through?
  • beano
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    all the way home.

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    Probably, depending on who you are tho. I'm excited by the concept of this without even attributing Mojang to it.

    I'm interested in Quadrilateral Cowboy too because again, interesting concept.

    There's no argument here really about being entitled to something good by someone who has done something good. There is partly, the observation that it's easy to call something shit from the off when there's little to no evidence why hype for it should be so high.

    Miracles of doom, and all that.
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • Sorry Mod, I was a little confused.
  • dynamiteReady
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    I was thinking about the idea of a game like this... A game that makes strong demands of the users / community's technical knowledge, then thought less of it by the time I stopped shaking my head.

    I actually suspect that Minecraft and LBP already run a fairly precise rule along the fine line between work and play...

    Very interesting idea though. But the truth is that the only people who have any chance of "getting" the game, will probably find themselves better served by the mod tools for more sophisticated games.
    "I didn't get it. BUUUUUUUUUUUT, you fucking do your thing." - Roujin
    Ninty Code: SW-7904-0771-0996
  • bah i was drunk and irritable sorry folks, its just if he cant be arsed with it then fair enough to him

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