  • Just finished this. Went in mostly blind, I knew about the aesthetic and that it was a puzzly FPS thing, but apart from that I had very little idea of what to expect.

    Really enjoyed it. The presentation, both visual and audio though the latter in particular, is exactly what it needed to be to make this experience work. This kind of thing can easily end up a bit half-baked, but they really nailed it I think and there's so many uncanny and skin crawling moments.

    The sound design is fucking outstanding, every bit of it felt bespoke and utterly other. I had it through my HD600s with the volume cranked, the sub bass combined with the environmental foley and occasional wall-of-sound soundtrack really added to the visceral nature of it all.

    I played it very slow, there's just so much detail on everything I found I needed to take my time walking through and absorbing the environment so I could make sense of the objective. There's surprisingly little repetition, each area seems to have a bespoke style with plenty of subtle variation. It was a lot of fun trying to work out what the fuck was going on and the grander context there was as I played through, and it feels like it messes with your sense of reality in places.

    There was definitely a bit of jank here and there, and some bits that dragged on a little more than was  necessary. I'd say it was absolutely worth the time I spent on it though, and considering that it's on Gamepass I'd highly recommend checking it out if you like atmospheric sci-fi weird exploration experiences.

  • Looks amazing. Gameplay, not for me :(

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