Misogyny and other gender issues.
  • b0r1s
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    I’m sure I read somewhere (ages ago before Twatty Tate) that women would actually be better fighter pilots due to their generally higher fat percentage helped with G forces, or something.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    DrewMerson wrote:
    Surely you've done a risk assessment in your line of work?
    Yes, in my particular role I’m trained in a couple of specific risk assessment tools (SA07 and RM2K) as well as risk management / risk practice. It’s why I can state with absolute confidence that perceived risk and objective dangerousness are not the same thing. Actual risk and dangerousness aren’t even the same thing.

    You are still approaching this question as though the context is one of two nerds arguing about Batman versus Superman, or whether a Great White Shark would score higher than a Tyrannosaurus rex in the Top Trumps deck of carnivores. To repeat: the question was not ‘which one would win in a fight?’ or ‘which is more dangerous?’ The question wasn’t even ‘which would you rather be attacked by’? The question was ‘which would you rather encounter alone in the woods’ and that frames the whole thing differently. This is not pedantry or splitting hairs, they are each different questions, with different contexts.

    I didn't say they were the same thing. Snidey strawman tactics on show there Andy. I said they were both part of the the same thing, which is factors which contribute to the decision making process.

    How is it framed differently? Women are still basing their decisions on this information surely? Or at least they should be, otherwise it's just disingenuous hating on men, isn't it? Why shouldn't this information be pertinent to the question? Why isn't it about the bear at all?

    You can drop the "who would win in a fight" shit too. I've not even once come anywhere near discussing that. Feels like you're just chucking it in to undermine my points. Very slinky, very sly
  • I can't get my head around it not being about which is more dangerous.

    The bear is surely chosen for the question because it's dangerous right? They didn't pick a hedgehog or a woodpecker.

    You claim Drew that it's shock value. Well that's the shock isn't it.
    Bears are very dangerous but preferable to men. So men are more dangerous.

    In their mental Top Trumps men are 10/10 for danger, bears score like an 8 or something.

    So it is about which is more dangerous.
  • Yeah but happy bears just eat berries and shit and don't care about much else other than other bears.
  • To be fair, my son has some Top Trumps and 'Man' has the highest danger/threat score in the whole world. 10/10. You know what doesn't even make the deck? Women.

    Think about it.
  • Sorry, late to the thread and haven't seen the source that inspired this reasonable discussion.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Unlikely wrote:
    Sorry, late to the thread and haven't seen the source that inspired this reasonable discussion.

    The source was a daft tiktok hypothetical. Which would you rather be stuck in the woods with, a bear or a man? Most women chose the bliddy bear. Some people think it's entirely reasonable. I don't, I think it's fucking stupid.

    I think that's you caught up
  • But what if it's a nice bear?
  • It's not about if it's nice!

    Am I doing it right?
  • If the question was 'would you rather be killed by a bear or raped by a man?', would women who chose the former be vilified for man hating?
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    It's not about the bear, you're not allowed to discuss the bear. It's about men being bad, stop missing the point
  • I went to bed with two bears from the day I was born. Didn't leave them until I was in my teens. Pretty sure they didn't maul me.
  • Hang on, is it choice between a male bear or female bear flying the plane?
    SFV - reddave360
  • Fuck the plane, it'll just smash you into a mountain. Bastard thing.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Moot_Geeza wrote:
    If the question was 'would you rather be killed by a bear or raped by a man?', would women who chose the former be vilified for man hating?

    Not by me, it's personal choice. If some women would rather die than be raped I'm not going to argue with them.

    I did see one survivor of rape say that she was disappointed with all the women saying that though. Because seeing an attitude like that from fellow women makes rape survivors feel like their life isn't worth living. Heavy stuff and a perspective I'd not thought about
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    DrewMerson wrote:
    I’m not trying to be slinky or sly, Paul, I’m just trying to point out the difference between objective dangerousness and perceived risk, highlight that the way the question is framed means that the context is the latter, and provide examples of questions which would be concerned with the former, to demonstrate the difference. But, going back to Tin’s post, he makes the point very concisely. If that post didn’t get through, mine certainly won’t.

    Must just be in your nature then. Because responding to stuff I didn't say is arguing in bad faith and I think you're clever enough to understand that, so it's not a mistake.

    The crux of Tin's post is making the bear irrelevant to the question. When makes you wonder why the fuck it's there in the first place. And like I said in the Tate post, if you do a bit of swapping around it becomes misogynistic bullshit extremely quickly, especially if you're asked to ignore the comparison and only concentrate on the negatives about the women. For this reason I don't rate Tin's points at all
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    DrewMerson wrote:
    The way this thread is going, if men were to say I don't want a woman because some of them can't even park a car in a parking space, you'd have their back?
    For what it’s worth, I don’t think you get to accuse me of straw-manning or bad-faith posting when you’re writing nonsense like this.

    It's not nonsense. It's looking at it from the other perspective. This bear question and Tate's bullshit are two sides of the same coin. Curate a question with the intention to shite on the opposite sex
  • DrewMerson wrote:
    The way this thread is going, if men were to say I don't want a woman because some of them can't even park a car in a parking space, you'd have their back?
    For what it’s worth, I don’t think you get to accuse me of straw-manning or bad-faith posting when you’re writing nonsense like this.
    It's not nonsense. It's looking at it from the other perspective. This bear question and Tate's bullshit are two sides of the same coin. Curate a question with the intention to shite on the opposite sex

    They're really, really not. Tate is perpetuating toxic masculinity with the intention to radicalise young, impressionable young men by making them feel that women are to blame for whatever perceived woes they have. He's feeding into the intel movement and the lack of role models amongst certain young men. 

    The bear question - which most of us agree is heavy-handed and not particularly useful - has the intention of opening up the debate over how lots of women perceive lots of men. 

    Intention and context are very different.
  • Curate a question with the intention to shite on the opposite sex

    The intention is to demonstrate that lots of women are afraid of men. In general. That’s it. That’s all.

    Yes it uses a daft comparison to make that point and get attention. But so what? How’s that skin off your nose?
  • Yeah this notion of flip the genders / would you be comfy with a female pilot = the same is wild nonsense that just shows the point has been spectacularly missed. At this point I don't think it's going to land either. The point, not the plane.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    nick_md wrote:
    Yeah this notion of flip the genders / would you be comfy with a female pilot = the same is wild nonsense that just shows the point has been spectacularly missed. At this point I don't think it's going to land either. The point, not the plane.

    The point hasn't been missed. Both questions are made to paint the opposite sex in a negative light. Which is why discussing the bear is expressly forbidden. It's not about that. It's about the evil of men
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Mention the bear and you're cast as "nerds arguing about Batman versus Superman, or whether a Great White Shark would score higher than a Tyrannosaurus rex in the Top Trumps deck of carnivores".

    Now that's wild
  • I can say as a man that men really need to do better. Don't see why this bear thing is controversial. What reality are other men existing in, is what I'm thinking. According to the UN, an estimated 1 in 3 women have have been subjected to physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both at least once in their life. That really does appall me.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    tin_robot wrote:

    It's essentially irrelevant whether a bear is actually more or less dangerous than a man.

    Absolutely not missing the point. The perceived risk of both the man and the bear are the absolute point of the question.

    What Tin and yourself are doing is taking the more popular, ludicrous answer and retro fitting the question to make some kind of sense of it. To do that, you need to make the bear irrelevant. Which is obviously prime bullshit, isn't it?
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    When did I say they were?

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