  • Cheers. I'm playing on PC at the minute but got tired of M&KB. When I tried my dual shock it worked but wouldn't let me invert or change any inputs. The option to confirm is just greyed out. Any ideas?
  • Try it before you load a save maybe. Some things are locked in game but I don't see why controls would be one of them.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Me and the boy Frantic are hoping to be on the neet, half 8/9 ish. Can't remember where we're at with it, we did the hedge lab and I had a dip in the pond. If anyone fancies a dabble there are two spaces, or even just join the party and have a natter about stuff in your world
  • FranticPea
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    We're onto the pond. Need to get all the breathing gear sorted.
  • We've got all the lab chips. Because cheating. Still fun though.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    FranticPea wrote:
    We're onto the pond. Need to get all the breathing gear sorted.

  • FranticPea
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    You kill the Diving Bell Spiders, I'll harvest the Eelgrass.
  • I've done the hedge lab. Pond is next. My hovel is right on the pond.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    It's a lovely spot. That lighting at sunrise/set. Mind those wolfies
  • FranticPea
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    I don't think the wolfie glitch into the water works anymore either.
  • If my wife is not in the mood for a movie later I'll come join you guys :)
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • There's a wolfie that loves a rampage through my local area but I've nothing to offer him so I hide in the pond.
  • FranticPea
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    He wants your insides.
  • I've really enjoyed this in places but the busywork element is off the chart at times, at least compared to anything I'm used to. I promised Tilly I'd find certain things/sort a few things out in sp but the schlepping and fetching loop is monotonous. I managed to find all the necessary ingredients for a late game event, but it turns out there's plenty more to do and I'm about ready to tap out. It all seems to be tied to a weird chain of 'swallow the spider to catch the fly' stuff, where you need to craft this to make that, to harvest a particular something in order to kill this other thing and collect parts that it might not drop when it dies anyway. LONG. It would've driven me mad by now with degradable weapons/stamina and other things we've disabled.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Welcome to survival games
  • FranticPea
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    I'm face palming, ftr.
  • I've been oven baking mushroom bricks for more than 4 real world hours now. It took me a couple of hours to build the ovens yesterday. And I needed a grinder.
  • On the plus side my barricade structures are almost complete.
  • Right I'm finished. Took the whole time my slow cooker curry was cooking. Girls are back from a weekend away in about 15 mins. This better be appreciated. Late game spoiler.
  • Aaand done. 54 days in the yard. Teen score 18% - C. Bit harsh. End credits music is amazing.
  • From the completing lots of things thread....

    Grounded (Xbox Series S/Xbox One S) - 12-15hrs co-op, maybe 7hrs solo

    I've been chipping away at this with Tilly in co-op for just over a month, with her on the hobbled One S version downstairs wearing her snazzy new gamer headphones, and me in the nerd den upstairs on the current gen version.  I'm amazed MS allow this on a single profile, so +1m points to them.  She's been hooked on the Honey I Shrunk the Kids premise since the footage first appeared, but other than a quick mooch around an early access build we didn't jump in until the 1.0 release.  

    It's a survival game, which means plenty of crafting, resource management and item hunts.  Which also means it's not my sort of thing whatsoever, but I didn't have much of a say in the matter.  Thankfully the accessibility options are plentiful.  If you don't want to know the score, look away now: we played with stamina, weapon degradation, hunger, thirst, backpack loss and structural integrity off, and also set the bugs to ignore players. This allowed us the focus on the adventure, which now has a full set of story missions, but even so there was a hell of a lot of busywork required.  Even in what was basically full moran mode I had to spend hours looking for stuff Tilly couldn't be bothered with (there's a lot to do in the game, but looking for stuff is what you'll be doing the most).  It felt like Spiritfarer all over again, which I also had to grind solo for it to allow progression in co-op.  

    I'm aware that this is the deal with the survival genre, but to me the gameplay loop felt a little like having to go to the shop if you want a cup of tea.  Then when you get there it turns out they only take cash, so you have to go to a cashpoint somewhere else.  The first one you find isn't working, so you eventually find one that is, but it's only dispensing £20 notes and the shop that sells tea has no change.  So you have to trek to another shop way over yonder to break the note, then return to buy the tea.  Which doesn't come in bags, so you'll also need a teapot and a strainer.  You've got cups and milk, thankfully (you went on a long winded mission for those yesterday, you're not an idiot).  An hour later, after much to-ing and fro-ing, you return with the necessary ingredients/materials to brew your tea.  Then, once you settle down to enjoy it, you accidentally press RB and chuck it all out the window like a mug and have to start the fetch quest again because you can't find the cup in your garden...

    It's not all bad though.  Elements of the game are fantastic and at times it rivalled the best experiences I've had this year.  It's great to play co-op with a screen and a mic each, which has opened up a new set of possibilities for our co-op sessions.  Music is great, plus it runs nicely on the Series S (and reasonably well considering on the Xbox One, not that Tilly noticed or gave a shit).  I blame the Series S anyway.  The blur effect on distant items made no sense to me, as it seems to randomly waft in and out of focus, but that's minor in the scheme of things.  Parkour is a bit annoying, but that's to be expected in a first person game really.  If you're anything like us you'll fall off stuff a lot, even if you switch to the third person view.  Combat is crap too in fairness, not that it matters a great deal (to us anyway; indifferent spiders ftw).  It's easy enough to pick holes in this and that, but it's greater than the sum of its parts, as they say for slightly janky games that are still decent, and despite the crushing boredom of certain tasks I loved playing this in two player.  I accidentally made Tilly cry when I threw my toys out the pram yesterday, which took the shine off a little, but I'm forgiven apparently (there's a known glitch in the final mission that fucks everything completely - like lol start again stuff - but luckily I found a workaround that did the trick on a forum somewhere and stopped stropping/declaring that I was never ever going to play it again ever).     

    Late game (fairly obvious) spoiler: You have to craft an embiggening cocktail to finish the story, and I sourced the ingredients with the help of YouTube.  This appeared as 'how to get embiggening cock...' in the viewable text of my search history, which of course one of my mates immediately spotted when I had people round for a drink on Saturday.  You love to see it.

    A nice little game with enough charm to outweigh its flaws.  You'd have to be insane to play this properly though, imo, as it would literally take 100hrs to make a dent in it, but there must be some people out there who love to inject that sort of laborious grind into their veins.  I bet it's a blast with more players through.  [7] feels about right - for all the wonkiness you can feel the love that's gone into this in places.  Worth it for the absolute joy from Tills throughout most of the game.  She was absolutely buzzing when we got through the final mission.  I expect she'll review it at some point if I ask nicely, so there's probably a [10] on the way.
  • If I don't find some cunting gnat fuzz soon this game is getting deleted.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Millions of them around the lights at night, and they group up around the swampy bits by day. Good archery practice
  • If I don't find some cunting gnat fuzz soon this game is getting deleted.

    Sig worthy.
  • Millions of them around the lights at night, and they group up around the swampy bits by day. Good archery practice

    I need gnat fuzz to make a fucking bow lol.
  • Millions of them around the lights at night, and they group up around the swampy bits by day. Good archery practice
    I need gnat fuzz to make a fucking bow lol.

    Rotten meat makes them swarm near you. 

    Catching gnats is kind of indicative of the bullshit this game makes you go through. Sure - they're easy to get with a bow, but you need to catch them to make it. Dropping rotten meat might seem obvious in hindsight, but it doesn't feel in line with the games other logic.
  • I climbed a weed in the marshy bit and jump attacked any that flew near me. Took fucking ages. The fuzz went missing in the water for a couple I definitely killed too.
  • If I'm honest I've got about all I need out of this game now anyway. It's a decent little survival game, but it's not very exciting. Like all these types of games, you only really end up replacing shit you worked long and hard to make with even more shit you worked even longer and harder to make. It gets very tiresome. If the combat was actually any good I'd probably go longer on it.

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